Importance of Plant Physiology

The following points highlight the importance of plant physiology:

  • It helps in understanding the plant’s life processes.
  • It helps in understanding the mechanisms that help plants adapt to changing environments.
  • It helps in developing biotechnological processes.
  • It helps conserve and preserve biodiversity.

Plant Physiology

Plant Physiology is the study of plants that helps us to understand all the complex mechanisms that are occurring within the plant’s body. These complex mechanisms like photosynthesis, transport of water and nutrients, cellular respiration, etc. govern the plant’s life which we study under the specialized branch of plant physiology. Plant physiology involves understanding chlorophyll, stomatal regulation, the influence of hormones on growth, and other metabolic mechanisms driving plant life.

By investigating the role of environmental factors and stress responses, Plant physiology helps us to study and understand the resilience and adaptability inherent in the botanical world, offering insights into the fascinating interplay between plants and their surroundings.

Table of Content

  • What is Plant Physiology?
  • Plant Parts and Functions
  • Mineral Nutrition in Plants
  • Transportation in Plants
  • Plant Growth and Development
  • Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
  • Respiration in Plants
  • Plant Reproduction
  • Importance of Plant Physiology

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Importance of Plant Physiology

The following points highlight the importance of plant physiology:...

FAQs – Plant Physiology

1. Who is the Father of Plant Physiology?...