Importance to Save Migratory Birds

Migratory birds are highly Indispensable for our Ecosystems.

  1. Such birds work as pest control agents, by consuming insects and other organisms that are harmful to the environment and crops. For example, a Locust attack can prove disastrous if their numbers grow by an enormous proportion.
  2. Along their routes during migration, they disperse seeds, thereby helping in the maintenance of biodiversity.
  3. The Migratory Ducks gobble fish eggs and if they survive in their gut, it drops out of ducks’ excrement onto the new water bodies. Thus they also offer a new species to the migrated region. 
  4. The droppings of the birds, are rich in nitrogen, calcium, and other minerals. It is also utilized as an organic fertilizer. 
  5. Every season, Migratory birds play both prey and predator roles in ecosystems. It helps balance the environmental requirement of an area.

For centuries they have been a source of entertainment for bird watchers across the globe. In some parts of the world every year, bird lovers built spaces in their houses and keep food to invite migratory birds to their homes. These birds coming to their home or region is regarded as an auspicious event.
As per Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres, “Migratory birds connect people, ecosystems, and nations. They are symbols of peace and of an interconnected planet. Their epic journeys inspire people of all ages, across the globe”. To address light pollution many global governments and communities are working together on the guidelines under the ‘Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals‘ (CMS). The CMS Conference 2020 had already set guidelines addressing the impact of light pollution on marine turtles, seabirds and migratory shorebirds. The new light pollution guidelines will be presented at the upcoming 2023 CMS Conference.  It includes a wide range of measures some of them are avoid spillover of artificial light, use non-reflective lights with reduced or filtered harmful wavelengths, and encouraging adaptive light controls to manage light timing, intensity, and colour. 

Effect of Light Pollution on Migratory Birds

Every year different species of birds come from different locations in the world. They cross 1000 km of distance to reach the best environmental conditions to nurture their entire community. Also looking for a habitat to breed and raise their young ones.  There are 10,000 bird species around the world, out of which approximately 1,800 are long-distance migrating species. In 2020, scientists had recorded the longest ever known migratory flight of more than 7,500 miles across the Pacific Ocean between Alaska and New Zealand for nonstop 11 days. 

In spite of so much research being conducted to date, it is not completely understood the pattern of the path followed by migrating birds.

The following pattern has been observed:

  • Huge flocks of birds migrate to southern wintering areas from northern breeding grounds.
  • Southern parts of Africa become a breeding ground for some birds while many migrate to northern wintering grounds.
  • Some can be seen coming to tableland during winter and vice versa moving higher up to a lofty mountain in summer.

Many ancient Greek authors have mentioned in their books, the migration of bird species like storks, turtle doves, and swallows. Various migration patterns have been noticed. It is most commonly observed that migratory birds fly to regions with favourable breeding conditions, from the unsuitable climatic conditions that arise due to low temperatures. In fact, for centuries, in almost all cultures such arrival of migrating birds is believed to signify the beginning of spring and the rebirth of nature. That’s why traditionally these flocks of birds are considered a messenger of new birth or of peace and hope.

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