Important Points about while loop in R language

  • It seems to be that while the loop will run forever but it is not true, condition is provided to stop it.
  • When the condition is tested and the result is false then the loop is terminated.
  • And when the tested result is True, then the loop will continue its execution.

R – while loop

While loop in R programming language is used when the exact number of iterations of a loop is not known beforehand. It executes the same code again and again until a stop condition is met. While loop checks for the condition to be true or false n+1 times rather than n times. This is because the while loop checks for the condition before entering the body of the loop.

R- While loop Syntax: 

while (test_expression) {

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Important Points about while loop in R language:

It seems to be that while the loop will run forever but it is not true, condition is provided to stop it. When the condition is tested and the result is false then the loop is terminated. And when the tested result is True, then the loop will continue its execution....

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