Improved Entropy with Cryptographically Secure Randomness


  1. Load the random package to access cryptographically secure random number generation.
  2. Define a function generate_secure_password with an optional length parameter.
  3. Create a vector character_sets with lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits, and special symbols.
  4. Calculate the number of characters in character_sets.
  5. Initialize an empty character vector password.
  6. For each character position, generate a random index using random::random_numbers().
  7. Use the random index to select a character from the character_sets and add it to the password.
  8. Finally, combine the characters in the password vector to get the random secure password.


# Load the 'random' package for cryptographically secure random numbers
# Function to generate a cryptographically secure random password
generate_secure_password <- function(length = 12) {
  character_sets <- c(letters, LETTERS, 0:9, "!@#$%^&*()_+{}[]<>?")
  num_chars <- length(character_sets)
  password <- paste(sample(character_sets, length, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")
# Usage
secure_password <- generate_secure_password(16)


[1] "ZJfQYR88bbJReF4V"

R Program to Generate a Random Password

Password generation is a common task in programming languages. It is required for security applications and various accounts managing systems. A random password is not easily guessable which also improves the security of the accounts systems with the aim to protect information. In R Programming Language we will create one program to generate Random Password.

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