Impulse Examples

A few examples of impulse are given below,

  • When someone falls from a bed onto a floor, they sustain more damage than if they fall onto a heap of sand. This occurs because the sand yields more than the cemented floor, increasing the contact time and reducing the force effect.
  • For the same reason, nylon ropes are utilized in the sport of rock climbing. Climbers use nylon ropes to secure themselves to the rock faces. A rock climber will start to tumble if she loses her grasp on the rock. In this case, her speed will be eventually slowed by the rope, averting a dangerous fall to the ground below.
  • Hitters are frequently instructed to follow through while striking a ball in racket and bat sports. High-speed videos of the collisions between bats/rackets and balls have indicated that the act of following through serves to lengthen the duration over which a collision occurs. In the impulse-momentum change theorem, this increase in time must result in a change in another variable.

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What is Impulse?

Impulse in Physics is defined as the force acting on the body for a very shorter period of time. It is the instant change in the momentum of the body. For example, in case of collision, the instant change in the momentum of the body just before and after the collision is called the Impulse acting on the body.

The damage sustained by the body is dependent on the impulse applied to the body. It is denoted using the letter ‘J’ and is calculated by taking the product of the force applied and the time for which the force is applied.

In this article, we will discuss the concept of Impulse, its formula, equations, and others in detail in this article.

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