
Thus Decision Trees are very useful algorithms as they are not only used to choose alternatives based on expected values but are also used for the classification of priorities and making predictions. It is up to us to determine the accuracy of using such models in the appropriate applications. 

Decision Tree in R Programming

Decision Trees are useful supervised Machine learning algorithms that have the ability to perform both regression and classification tasks. It is characterized by nodes and branches, where the tests on each attribute are represented at the nodes, the outcome of this procedure is represented at the branches and the class labels are represented at the leaf nodes. Hence it uses a tree-like model based on various decisions that are used to compute their probable outcomes. These types of tree-based algorithms are one of the most widely used algorithms due to the fact that these algorithms are easy to interpret and use. Apart from this, the predictive models developed by this algorithm are found to have good stability and a descent accuracy due to which they are very popular 

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Types of Decision Trees

Decision stump: Used for generating a decision tree with just a single split hence also known as a one-level decision tree. It is known for its low predictive performance in most cases due to its simplicity. M5: Known for its precise classification accuracy and its ability to work well to a boosted decision tree and small datasets with too much noise. ID3(Iterative Dichotomiser 3): One of the core and widely used decision tree algorithms uses a top-down, greedy search approach through the given dataset and selects the best attribute for classifying the given dataset C4.5: Also known as the statistical classifier this type of decision tree is derived from its parent ID3. This generates decisions based on a bunch of predictors. C5.0: Being the successor of the C4.5 it broadly has two models namely the basic tree and rule-based model, and its nodes can only predict categorical targets. CHAID: Expanded as Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detector, this algorithm basically studies the merging variables to justify the outcome on the dependent variable by structuring a predictive model MARS: Expanded as multivariate adaptive regression splines, this algorithm creates a series of piecewise linear models which is used to model irregularities and interactions among variables, they are known for their ability to handle numerical data with greater efficiency. Conditional Inference Trees: This is a type of decision tree that uses a conditional inference framework to recursively segregate the response variables, it’s known for its flexibility and strong foundations. CART: Expanded as Classification and Regression Trees, the values of the target variables are predicted if they are continuous else the necessary classes are identified if they are categorical....

Decision Tree in R Programming Language

Let us consider the scenario where a medical company wants to predict whether a person will die if he is exposed to the Virus. The important factor determining this outcome is the strength of his immune system, but the company doesn’t have this info. Since this is an important variable, a decision tree can be constructed to predict the immune strength based on factors like the sleep cycles, cortisol levels, supplement intaken, nutrients derived from food intake, and so one of the person which is all continuous variables....

R – Decision Tree Example

Let us now examine this concept with the help of an example, which in this case is the most widely used “readingSkills” dataset by visualizing a decision tree for it and examining its accuracy....



Advantages of Decision Trees


Disadvantages of Decision Trees
