Installation of Depix Tool on Kali Linux OS

Step 1: Use the following command to install the tool in your Kali Linux operating system.

git clone

Step 2: Now use the following command to move into the directory of the tool. You have to move in the directory in order to run the tool.

cd Depix

Step 3: You are in the directory of the Depix. Now you have to install a dependency of the Depix using the following command.

sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Step 4: All the dependencies have been installed in your Kali Linux operating system. Now use the following command to run the tool and check the help section.

python3  --help

Depix – Recovers Passwords From Pixelized Screenshots

Pixelization describes the process of somewhat reducing the resolution of an image to cleanse information. This technique is used to hide sensitive information and it can be communicated between two endpoints. But through various automated tools, we can decode the text and can see the original text in a readable format. Depix tool is an automated cyber security tool that can extract the image and get the readable message or text from the pixelated image. Depix tool is developed in the Python Language and is available on the GitHub platform.

Note: Make Sure You have Python Installed on your System, as this is a python-based tool. Click to check the Installation process: Python Installation Steps on Linux

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