Installation of DorkScout Tool on Kali Linux OS

Step 1: If you have downloaded Golang in your system, verify the installation by checking the version of Golang, use the following command.

go version

Step 2: Get the DorkScout repository or clone the DorkScout tool from Github, use the following command.

sudo GO111MODULE=on go get -u

Step 3: Change the directory to access the tool. Use the following command

cd go/bin

Step 4: Check the help menu page to get a better understanding of the DorkScout tool, use the following command.

dorkscout -h

DorkScout – Automate google dork scan against the entire internet or specific targets

Dorking is the technique used for advanced searching. Dorking can be useful in target domain detection or forgetting some sensitive data from the target domain, This can be done through automated tools which can reduce the time of manual searching. DorkScout is a tool to automate the finding of vulnerable applications or hidden files around the internet through google searches, dorkscout first starts by retrieving the dork’s lists from, and then it scans a given target or everything it endows. DorkScout tool is developed in Golang language and is available on the GitHub platform. DorkScout tool is open-source and free-to-use.

Note: DorkScout is a Golang language-based tool, so you need to have a Golang environment on your system. So check this link to Install  Golang in your system. – Installation of Go Lang in Linux

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