Installation of jekyll on Windows

Step 1: At first we have to search in Google Chrome or in any other browser

Step 2: Then we have to go to the Docs tab for the further procedure.

Step 3: Then we have to go for the Installation link which is the side of the menu

Step 4: On the installation page, we will find that for installing Jekyll we have to install the ruby installer.

Step 5: Then we have to write in any browser

Step 6: Then we have to go for the Download option

Step 7: Then we will go for 1st option Ruby+Devkit (x64)

Step 8: Then we have to start the installation by accepting their terms & conditions & we have to press next all time.

Step 9: Then the software will open & we have to enter 1 for further procedure.

Step 10: Then we have to open the command prompt by writing cmd in the Start menu.

Step 11: Then we have to write the following instructions step by step:

gem -v
cd c:/
mkdir projects
cd projects

Step 12: Then we have to write the command jekyll new webapp in the command prompt.

Step 13: Then we have to wait until all processes are executed. Then we have to write the following command in command prompt:

code .

Step 14: After inputting the last instruction in the command prompt it will open in any text editor installed in the device. There you have to change the title as webapp.

Step 15: Then we have to enter two instructions again in the command prompt (Do not close command prompt previously)

cd webapp
bundle exec jekyll serve

Step 16: Then we have to search for localhost in the browser.

Step 17: At last after searching the above text you can show that your software is installed successfully. 

How to Install Jekyll on Windows?

Jekyll is a static site generator. It takes text written in your favorite markup language and uses layouts to create a static website. You can tweak the site’s look and feel, URLs, the data displayed on the page, and more. Jekyll was first released by Tom Preston-Werner in 2008.  Jekyll was later taken over by Parker Moore, who led the effort in releasing Jekyll 1 and has been the new maintainer since then. Jekyll started a web development trend towards static websites. As of 2017, Jekyll is the most popular static site generator, largely due to its adoption by GitHub.

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Installation of jekyll on Windows:

Step 1: At first we have to search in Google Chrome or in any other browser...