Installation of Pentmenu Tool on Kali Linux OS

Step 1: Use the following command to install the tool in your Kali Linux operating system.

git clone

Step 2: Now use the following command to move into the directory of the tool. You have to move in the directory in order to run the tool.

cd pentmenu

Step 3: Change the permissions of the pentmenu file by using the following command.

sudo chmod +x pentmenu

Step 4: Run the below command to verify the installation.


Pentmenu – Simple Bash Script for Recon and DOS Attacks

DOS attacks are full-filling the server resources and making the server act slow or sometimes crash the server due to the fulfillment of resources. This can be done through various automated tools by sending thousands of requests at the same time. Pentmenu is an automated tool that is inspired by the PentBox designed to performs various network functions. Pentmenu tool also performs basic recon like Whois Records, DNS Gathering, etc. Pentmenu tool is developed in the Shell script and is available on the GitHub platform. Pentmenu tool is open-source and free to use.

RECON Modules 

  • Show IP – Used to display the IP of the target domain name.
  • DNS Recon – Used to perform DNS Lookup (Reverse or Forward) on the target.
  • Ping Sweep – Send ICMP packets to the target for checking the server’s activeness.
  • Network Recon – Used to collect the c=information like OS Detection, Software version, etc,
  • UDP Scan – Used to scan open UDP ports on the target domain.

DOS Modules 

  • TCP Syn Flood – This DOS Attack performs sending of TCP SYN packets using the hping3 tool.
  • UDP Flood – This DOS Attack performs the same as TCP SYN Flood but, in this, in place of TCP packets UDP packets are been sent.
  • SSL DOS – This DOS Attack attempts to open many connections that cause the target server to make more expensive handshake calculations.
  • Slowloris – This DOS Attack slowly sends HTTP headers to the target domain which aims to fulfill the server resources that cause slow down of domain or crash the server.


  • File extraction via ICMP – In this mode, the tool sends the data along with the ICMP packets which are used to check the server’s availability.
  • File receipt via ICMP – In the mode, the hping tool listens for ICMP packets and stores the data onto the file.
  • Listener – In this mode, using the Netcat tool we can listen for incoming connections on the particular port.

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