Installing Moment.js

We can install moment.js in the following two ways.

Method 1: Go to the official documentation of and download the latest Moment.js file available and then add the file in script tag inside the head section. 

<script type = "text/JavaScript" 
src =
" ">">

Method 2: We can install it using npm. Make sure that you have Node.js and npm installed.

npm install moment

Now let’s understand the working of Moment.js using an example.

Example: In this example, we will get the current time in minutes using Moment.js moment.minute() Method.


// Importing moment module
const moment = require('moment');

let a = moment().minutes();

console.log("minute is: ",a);

Step to run the application: 

Run the index.js file using the below command:

node index.js


minute is:  24

Moment.js significantly enhances JavaScript date and time handling capabilities. With its comprehensive set of features for parsing, validating, and formatting dates, Moment.js makes complex date operations straightforward. By integrating Moment.js into your projects, you can improve efficiency and accuracy in date and time management. Start exploring Moment.js today to leverage its full potential and simplify your development process.

Moment.js Introduction

Moment.js is a powerful JavaScript library used for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates and times. It simplifies date and time operations, offering an extensive range of features and support for various formats. In this guide, we’ll introduce Moment.js, highlighting its key functionalities and showing how it can streamline date and time handling in your JavaScript applications. Whether you’re dealing with complex date calculations or formatting requirements, Moment.js is an essential tool for developers.

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Features of Moment.js

Parsing: You can parse the date into the desired format using parsing. Date parsing is possible in the string, object, and array formats. It allows you to clone a moment with the help of moment.clone().Manipulation: We can manipulate the Date and Time on the moment object using inbuilt methods provided by Moment.js. Date Validation: We can perform date validation using isValid() method provided by Moment.js. It also has various parsing flags to validate dates.Date Queries: It has various inbuilt methods to check if the date is greater than or less than the input provided.Duration: It is one of the essential features that handles the time length for the given units.Display: It provides us with different formats to display date in different ways like JSON, array, object, etc....

Installing Moment.js

We can install moment.js in the following two ways....