Installing Of AWS boto/boto3 On Windows

The following are steps for the installation of AWS boto and boto3 on top of windows operating system:

Step 1: To install Boto, Execute the following command in the terminal:

pip install boto

Step 2: To install Boto3, type the following command in the terminal:

pip install boto3

Step 3: After installation, you can verify that the Boto and Boto3 libraries are installed by running the following commands in the terminal.

  • To check boto is installed type:
python -c "import boto; print(boto.__version__)"

Step 4: To check that boto3 is installed type:

python -c "import boto3; print(boto3.__version__)"

It prints the versions of Boto and Boto3 installed on the system, ensuring the installation was successful.

What Is The Difference Between The AWS Boto And Boto3 ?

AWS offers vast services from compute power to storage, machine learning and easier deployment of applications, interacting with these services programmatically is essential for automating tasks, managing resources, and configuring infrastructure. For this purpose, AWS introduced boto and boto3 two Python libraries. Boto and Boto3 libraries help developers do these tasks programmatically and use the full potential of AWS services.

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