Installing Postman on Manjaro Linux

Step 1: Update and upgrade our system by executing:

$ sudo pacman -Syu




Step 2: Download the latest available package for Linux by visiting



Step 3: Move into our browser’s default download directory and unzip the postman tar file.

cd ~/Downloads 

Downloads tar -xzf postman-linux-x64.tar.gz 


Step 4: Relocate the extracted folder into the /opt directory.

sudo mv Postman /opt


Step 5: Create a symlink to launch Postman from the shell. 

sudo ln -s /opt/Postman/Postman /usr/local/bin/postman


Step 6: Now create a new .desktop file to start them by clicking on a launcher icon.

sudo nano /usr/share/applications/postman.desktop


Step 7: Copy and paste the following.

[Desktop Entry]





Comment=Postman Desktop App



Step 8: Search “Postman” in the application manager to launch the application.



Step 9: Now sign up/into our Postman account by entering our credentials.




How to install Postman on Arch-based Linux Distributions(Manjaro) ?

Postman is an HTTP client used to build, test, and modify APIs. It provides a graphical user interface through which developers can generate various types of HTTP requests like GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE. It is used by more than 20 million developers across the globe to develop RESTful APIs. Among the operating systems supported by the app are Windows, macOS, and Linux. In this article, we will discuss how to install Postman on Arch-based Linux distributions.

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Installing Postman on Manjaro Linux

Step 1: Update and upgrade our system by executing:...