Intermediate Azure Interview Questions

25. What is Azure Scheduler in Azure?

Azure scheduler is a type of service in Azure that helps in creating the jobs for automatically calling the services or running the coe on a schedule. It trigger the HTTP/S endpoints, post messages to the Azure Storage Queues and executable jobs at a specified times. It facilitates the automation for recurring tasks.

26. What feature of Azure can be used to stop the issue of high load on the application in cases of no man support on the flow?

Azure Auto-Scaling helps manage high load by automatically adjusting the number of running instances based on predefined metrics and thresholds. This feature ensures that applications can scale up or down dynamically, maintaining performance without manual intervention.

27. What are the types of storage services apart from blob storage provided by Azure?

The following are the types of storages services that are available in Azure apart from the blob storage:

  • Table Storage: For NoSQL key-value pairs, suitable for large volumes of structured data.
  • Queue Storage: For message queuing between application components.
  • File Storage: For fully managed file shares accessible via the SMB protocol.

28. What are IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS?

The following discuss about IaaS, PaaS and SaaS:

  • IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service): Infrastructure as a Service facilitates with virtualized computing resources like virtual machines, storages, and networking over the internet.
  • PaaS (Platform as a Service): Platform as a Service facilitates with hardware and software tools for developers to build, deploy, and manage applications without handling the underlying infrastructure.
  • SaaS (Software as a Service): Software as a Service helps the software applications over the internet on a subscription basis, removing the need for local installation and maintenance.

29. What are the differences between Azure Table Storage and the Azure SQL service?

The following are the differences between Azure Table Storage and Azure SQL service:

Aspect Azure Table Storage Azure SQL Service
Data Model The data model of Azure table storage is NoSQL key-value that store with flexible schemas The Data model of Azure SQL service is Relational database management system (RDBMS).
Query Language It has limited query capabilities with simple CRUD operations It has SQL-based querying with support for complex queries
Schema Flexibility It provides the flexible schema that allows dynamic addition of properties It provides the fixed schema with predefined tables
Performance It is optimized for storing large volumes of structured or semi-structured data to boost up the performance It is optimized for transactional and analytical workloads
Use Cases It is suitable for storing large amounts of semi-structured data, IoT telemetry, and logs It will be Ideal for applications requiring structured data storage and complex queries

30. What are the differences between Azure Storage Queue and Azure Service Bus Queue?

The following are the differences between Azure Storage Queue and Azure Service Bus Queue:

Aspect Azure Storage Queue Azure Service Bus Queue
Messaging Protocol Azure storage queue follows REST-based, simple message queuing It provides feature-rich messaging infrastructure
Message Delivery It comes with At-least-once delivery service. It supports both At-least-once and Exactly-once delivery.
Message Size It is limited to 64 KB per message It supports for larger message sizes (up to 256 KB)
Features It provides basic message queuing with simple queuing operations It comes up with advanced messaging features like dead-lettering, sessions, and transactions.
Use Cases It is suitable for basic queueing fulfilling the needs in simple applications. It will be as ideal choice for complex messaging scenarios requiring reliable delivery and advanced features

31. What are the possible causes of the client application to be disconnected from the cache?

The following are the some of the possible causes of the Client application to be disconnected from the cache:

  • Network Issues: They is a chance of connection failure between the client and server cache can be one of the reason for network disconnection.
  • Cache Server Failure: If the cache server experiencing any failure of unreachability because of its hardware issues or software bugs may leads in loosing the connectivity to the cache.
  • Resource Exhaustion: On exhaustion of underlying infrastructure resource utilization such as CPU, memory or storage may results in unresponsiveness because of high loads or unexpected traffic spikes.

32. What are the deployment environments offered by Azure?

Azure Cloud Platform offers several deployment environments some of them are listed as follows:

  • Azure App Service: It facilitates with hosting web applications.
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS): It helps in orchestrating and managing the containerized applications.
  • Azure Virtual Machines: These VMs comes with providing the customizable environments the applications.
  • Azure Functions: This service facilitates with providing the computing service without having servers, These are managed by the Azure behind regarding the infrastructure and resources.

33. Differentiate between repetitive and minimal monitoring.

The following are the differences between repetitive and minimal monitoring:

Aspect Repetitive Monitoring Minimal Monitoring
Frequency Continuous and frequent monitoring Occasional and less frequent monitoring
Data Collection Collects a wide range of metrics and data Collects essential metrics and data
Scope Monitors multiple aspects of system performance and health Focuses on critical components
Analysis Depth Allows in-depth analysis of system behavior Provides basic insights into system performance
Use Case Suited for real-time monitoring and analysis Suitable for environments with limited resources or low monitoring requirements

34. What are the advantages of Scaling In Azure?

The following are the advantages of Scaling in Azure Cloud Platform:

  • Improved application performance and availability.
  • Cost efficiency by paying only for what you use.
  • Automatic adjustment to changing workloads.
  • Enhanced fault tolerance and redundancy.

35. What are the types of Queues offered by Azure?

The Azure Cloud Platform offers two types of Queues:

Azure Storage Queues:

  • Simple message queuing service provided by Azure Storage.
  • Used for asynchronous communication between application components.

Azure Service Bus Queues:

  • Feature-rich messaging infrastructure with advanced queuing capabilities.
  • Supports both at-least-once and exactly-once message delivery semantics.

36. What is Federation in Azure SQL?

Federation in Azure SQL, now known as Elastic Scale, allows horizontal partitioning of data across multiple databases. It helps manage and scale large datasets by distributing them across multiple databases, improving performance and manageability.

Azure Interview Questions and Answers

Azure, Microsoft’s cloud computing platform, is well-known for its comprehensive set of services, scalability, security, computing power, storage, databases, networking, and analytics, on a pay-as-you-go basis. and support for various programming languages and frameworks.

Here, we provide 45+ Azure Interview Questions and Answers tailored for both Freshers and experienced professionals. Here, we cover everything, including core Azure concepts, Azure services, cloud architecture, deployment models, security, Azure DevOps, and more, that will surely help you to crack Azure interviews.

azure interview questions

Table of Content

  • Azure Interview Questions For Freshers
  • Intermediate Azure Interview Questions
  • Advanced Azure Interview Questions
  • Scenarios Based Azure Interview Questions

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