Internet topics

Every company demands that their Software development engineers understand the basics of the Internet. Learn how browsers work at the highest level. Learn about DNS lookup, TCP/IP, socket connections, etc.

Top Software Development Topics to prepare for Interview

Software development refers to a set of computer science activities dedicated to the process of creating, designing, deploying, and supporting software.

Table of Content

  • Programming language
  • Data structures
  • Algorithms
  • System Design
  • Coding
  • Object-oriented design
  • Databases
  • Distributed computing
  • Operating systems
  • Internet topics
  • General machine learning and artificial intelligence
  • Conclusion

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Programming language

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Data structures

The majority of software development labor requires storing and making data accessible effectively and efficiently. This requires a strong background in data structures. You’ll need to understand the inner workings of common data structures and be able to compare and contrast their use in various applications. You will be expected to know the runtimes for common operations as well as how they use memory....


For your interview, you don’t have to know all the algorithms off by heart. However, it will be much simpler to answer some of the questions if you have a solid understanding of the most popular algorithms. Consider revising common algorithms such as divide and conquer, breadth-first search vs. depth-first search, and traversals, and make sure you understand the trade-offs for each. Knowing the runtimes, theoretical limitations and basic implementation strategies of different classes of algorithms is more important than memorizing the specific details of any given algorithm....

System Design

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Object-oriented design

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Distributed computing

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Operating systems

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Internet topics

Every company demands that their Software development engineers understand the basics of the Internet. Learn how browsers work at the highest level. Learn about DNS lookup, TCP/IP, socket connections, etc....

General Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

You’ll likely be asked questions about data-based modeling, training/testing procedures, error checking, and statistics. For instance, you’ll be asked, “What is a problem definition for machine learning?” You’ll then be asked to define the problem as a machine learning problem and then come up with a solution. You’ll want to think about data sources, annotations, modeling techniques, and pitfalls. It’s also worth revisiting your favorite ML/AI textbooks to ensure you’re familiar with the basics of AI/ML techniques and algorithms....


We understand this was a relatively long list of topics to review. You should bear in mind that your interviewers won’t be evaluating your ability to memorize all the details of each of these topics. They will be analyzing your ability to apply what you know and solve problems efficiently and effectively. Given that you sometimes have only limited time to prepare for a technical interview, we recommend reviewing computer science fundamentals and practicing coding outside of an integrated development environment. This will likely yield the best results for your time....