Interpolation Algorithms

Different interpolation algorithms include the nearest neighbor, bilinear, bicubic, and others. Betting on their complexity, these use anywhere from 0 to 256 (or more) adjacent pixels when interpolating. The accuracy of those algorithms is increased significantly by increasing the number of neighboring pixels considered while evaluation of the new pixel value. Interpolation algorithms are predominantly used for resizing and distorting a high-resolution image to an occasional resolution image. There are various interpolation algorithms one of them is Bicubic Interpolation.

Python OpenCV – Bicubic Interpolation for Resizing Image

Image resizing is a crucial concept that wishes to augment or reduce the number of pixels in a picture. Applications of image resizing can occur under a wider form of scenarios: transliteration of the image, correcting for lens distortion, changing perspective, and rotating a picture. The results of resizing greatly vary looking on the kind of interpolation algorithm used.

Note: While applying interpolation algorithms, some information is certain to be lost as these are approximation algorithms. 

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Interpolation Algorithms

Different interpolation algorithms include the nearest neighbor, bilinear, bicubic, and others. Betting on their complexity, these use anywhere from 0 to 256 (or more) adjacent pixels when interpolating. The accuracy of those algorithms is increased significantly by increasing the number of neighboring pixels considered while evaluation of the new pixel value. Interpolation algorithms are predominantly used for resizing and distorting a high-resolution image to an occasional resolution image. There are various interpolation algorithms one of them is Bicubic Interpolation....

Bicubic Interpolation

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