Interview Experience: Round 2 (Technical Interview Round 1)

The second round, a technical interview, focused on practical application and understanding of technical concepts. Here’s a summary of the discussions and tasks:

Project Related Questions:

Questions revolved around the candidate’s project, particularly on REST architecture. This included explaining the why and how of REST, and designing a REST API for a project scenario.

System Design Scenario:

The interviewer presented a scenario related to managing a large number of requests from Uber drivers efficiently. Concepts like Load Balancer, Sharding, and Master-Slave architecture were discussed to handle this scenario effectively.

Coding Task:

The candidate was asked to code a request handling process for the designed Uber service using technologies like JavaScript, Ajax, JSON, jQuery, servlets, MySQL, etc. The interviewer also asked for code related to sorting using Java’s Comparator.

MVC Architecture Discussion:

A discussion on MVC architecture included explaining the role of a Controller in MVC and its impact on web applications.

Tips for Success:

  • Use diagrams to explain concepts more clearly.
  • Demonstrate practical coding skills and knowledge of system design principles.
  • Be prepared to discuss and defend design choices.

Result: I got rejected after this round.

HCL Interview experience 1

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