Interview Rounds

First Interview:

The initial interview focused on my resume and basic web development concepts, including questions on JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Second Interview:

The second round was a live JavaScript coding session. I was given real-time problems to solve and discuss. The interviewers also delved into my resume, asking about my past development experiences and projects.

Third Interview:

The final round comprised two live coding sessions centred around Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA). The questions ranged from easy to medium difficulty.

Headout Interview Experience For Software Developer

I recently had the incredible opportunity to interview for the Software Developer role at Headout. The entire process was not only challenging but also provided a platform for showcasing my skills and learning from experienced professionals in the industry.

Application Process (1 week):

I applied for the position through an employee referral, which expedited the process. After a week, I received a call from the HR team along with a detailed email about the next steps.

Home Assignment: Optimize HTTP Server (Coding Challenge):

The first step involved a coding challenge where I was tasked with implementing a simple HTTP server. The challenge required setting up the server in a language/framework of my choice, responding to GET requests on the “/data” endpoint, and handling query parameters. The challenge pushed me to optimize the server’s performance for handling large files.

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Interview Rounds:

First Interview:...