Interview Rounds

First round

In the first round, it started with introductions from both sides. Then he told me to explain one of the projects on my resume to him. After that, I was asked a variation of the subset problem. I began with recursive brute force and then optimized it with dynamic programming (DP). I was asked to write code on a Google Doc, and he was okay with my approach.

Next, I was asked a question on a binary search that is not so straightforward. Thankfully, I had done a similar question on CSES before, so I knew its approach; otherwise, it would have been a tough one. I was only asked for the intuition and was not asked to code it.

Lastly, he asked me about the gas station problem on LeetCode. I was quickly told to write and explain the optimal solution, which I did. He then asked for a dry run of a test case, which I provided.

In this round, the interviewer was quite impressed with me and gave me really good feedback.

Second round

I and another person were the first ones to be interviewed in the second round. I was told it was a good sign. This time for about 15 mins I was asked about my project. What were my learnings from it and what was the most difficult part of it? Then he asked me a subtle variation of the minimum platforms question which I explained and coded fast.

Next, he asked me a question that required string matching in some way. I don’t remember the exact question, but I could only write brute force of it. Then I asked for a hint, but he asked me to think a bit more :(. Eventually, time ended, and this time my round didn’t go so well.


2 people were selected from our campus, and I was not among them.

Curefit Interview Experience For SDE Summer Internship

Curefit came to our campus in the 1st week of August for a summer internship and was offering 35k for the role. Resume shortlisting was done initially, and around 200 people were selected for the Online Assessment (OA).

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Online Assessment

It was a 1-hour round on HackerEarth with 2 questions. One used the concept of binary search, while the other focused on binary lifting. I was able to complete the first one fully and the second one partially. I am attaching a link below for you guys with the questions. Only 9 were selected for the interview, and I was one of them....

Interview Rounds:

First round...