Java Program to Create Deep Copy of a 2D Array

Below is the implementation of the topic:


// Java Program for Deep Copy of 2D Array
public class DeepCopy2DArray {
    // A simple class for illustration purposes
    static class MyClass {
        int value;
        MyClass(int value) {
            this.value = value;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create the original 2D array with objects
        MyClass[][] originalArray = {
            {new MyClass(1), new MyClass(2)},
            {new MyClass(3), new MyClass(4)}
        // Perform the deep copy
        MyClass[][] deepCopiedArray = deepCopy2DArray(originalArray);
        // Modify an element in the original array to demonstrate independence
        originalArray[0][0].value = 99;
        // Display the original and deep copied arrays
        System.out.println("Original Array:");
        System.out.println("\nDeep Copied Array:");
    // Method to perform a deep copy of a 2D array with objects
    private static MyClass[][] deepCopy2DArray(MyClass[][] originalArray) {
        int rows = originalArray.length;
        int cols = originalArray[0].length;
        MyClass[][] copiedArray = new MyClass[rows][cols];
        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
                // Create a new instance of the object for each element
                copiedArray[i][j] = new MyClass(originalArray[i][j].value);
        return copiedArray;
    // Method to print a 2D array with objects
    private static void print2DArray(MyClass[][] array) {
        for (MyClass[] row : array) {
            for (MyClass element : row) {
                System.out.print(element.value + " ");


Original Array:
99 2 
3 4 

Deep Copied Array:
1 2 
3 4 

Explanation of the above Program:

  • Create the Original 2D Array : We create a 2D array originalArray containing objects of the MyClass class.
  • Perform the Deep Copy : The deepCopy2DArray method is implemented to create a new array and instantiate new objects for each element, ensuring a deep copy.
  • Modify an Element in the Original Array : To demonstrate the independence of the deep copied array, we modify an element in the original array after the deep copy operation.
  • Display the Arrays : We print both the original and deep copied arrays to observe the effect of the modification.

Deep Copy of 2D Array in Java

In Java, performing a deep copy of a 2D array containing objects requires careful consideration to ensure independence between the original and copied arrays. By creating new instances of objects for each element in the array, developers can achieve a true deep copy, preventing unintended side effects due to shared references.

In this article, we will learn to create a deep copy of a 2D array in Java.

Illustration of Shallow Copy Vs Deep Copy

Consider a 2D array ‘originalArray‘ containing objects

Original Array : [[obj1, obj2] , [obj3], [obj4]]

Copy Type



Shallow Copy

Both arrays share references to the same objects

Shallow Copied Array : [[obj1, obj2] , [obj3], [obj4]]

Deep Copy

New instances of objects are created.

Deep copied array : [[newObj1, newObj2] , [newObj3], [newObj4]]

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Java Program to Create Deep Copy of a 2D Array

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