JavaScript padStart() Method

JavaScript padStart() method pad a string with another string until it reaches the given length. The padding is applied from the left end of the string.

Example: This example shows the implementation of the above-explained approach.

// Define a string variable 
let stone = "Soul";

// Use the padStart() method to add padding characters "Mind "
//to the beginning of the string 'stone' 
stone = stone.padStart(9, "Mind ");

// Output the resulting string after padding

Mind Soul


The code initializes a string variable stone with the value “Soul”. It then uses the padStart() method to pad the string with spaces or a specified string (“Mind “) until the resulting string reaches a length of 9 characters. Finally, it prints the modified string to the console, resulting in “Mind Soul”.

JavaScript String Methods

JavaScript strings are the sequence of characters. They are treated as Primitive data types. In JavaScript, strings are automatically converted to string objects when using string methods on them. This process is called auto-boxing.

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