Job Type: Experienced or fresher

Job Title


Preferred Skills

Additional Skills Required

Job Type

Years of Experience

Remote Job Boards

Qualifications: Varies Preferred Skills: Varies

Communication, Remote Work Exp.

Independence, Time Management, Online Collaboration


2+ years

Freelancing Platforms

Qualifications: Varies Preferred Skills: Varies

Relevant Exp., Strong Portfolio

Self-Motivation, Discipline, Marketing

Experien ced

1+ year

Online Tutoring

Qualifications: Degree or Expertise Preferred: Comm. Skills, Teaching Exp.

Teaching Cert., Online Platform Exp.

Patience, Clear Explanation, Online Teaching Tools



Virtual Assistant Services

Qualifications: Admin. Exp. Preferred: Office Software, Project Management

Proficiency in Office Software, PM Tools

Multi-tasking, Organizational Skills



Content Creation

Qualifications: Varies Preferred: Creativity, Attention to Detail

SEO Knowledge, Proficiency in Tools

Deadline Management



Customer Service Representative

Qualifications: Varies Preferred: Comm., Problem-Solving

Customer Service Exp., CRM

Pressure Handling, Problem-Solving



Transcription and Translation

Qualifications: Lang. Skills, Attention to Detail Preferred: Typing Speed

Typing Accuracy, Familiarity with Tools

Transcription Software, Cultural Competency



Remote Software Development

Qualifications: CS Degree Preferred: Programming Skills

Programming Languages, Dev. Methodologies

Version Control, Problem-Solving, Debugging


2+ years

Remote Sales and Marketing

Qualifications: Varies Preferred: Comm., Sales/Marketing Exp

CRM, Interpersonal Skills, Negotiation

Sales Target Achievement



Remote Healthcare Jobs

Qualifications: Relevant Degree, Licenses Preferred: Clinical Skills

Telemedicine Exp., Certifications

Medical Software, Patient Confidentiality


2+ years

Work From Home Jobs in Delhi NCR

With the growth of remote work in the world and Delhi NCR being one of the cities having so many people changing their place of work, one can now find many varieties of options available for those who want to do work-from-home jobs. A wide range of enterprises, comprising, for instance, IT, digital marketing, content writing, customer service, and virtual assistance, have open positions in the region which do not require an employee to be physically present. With numerous businesses changing the traditional workplace setting to accommodate remote working and flexible schedule, many companies have succumbed to the changing work landscape by allowing the use of home for work. The platforms of freelancing also create a place to demonstrate the resident’s talents and ability from New Delhi and contribute to the work of beyond the city. Fast technologies and increasing needs of flexible work open door to a wide range of WFH employers that match employees’ personal and professional goals in Delhi NCR.

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Job Title Requirements Preferred Skills Additional Skills Required Remote Job Boards Qualifications: Varies Preferred Skills: Varies Communication, Remote Work Exp. Independence, Time Management, Online Collaboration Freelancing Platforms Qualifications: Varies Preferred Skills: Varies Relevant Exp., Strong Portfolio Self-Motivation, Discipline, Marketing Online Tutoring Qualifications: Degree or Expertise Preferred: Comm. Skills, Teaching Exp. Teaching Cert., Online Platform Exp. Patience, Clear Explanation, Online Teaching Tools Virtual Assistant Services Qualifications: Admin. Exp. Preferred: Office Software, Project Management Proficiency in Office Software, PM Tools Multi-tasking, Organizational Skills Content Creation Qualifications: Varies Preferred: Creativity, Attention to Detail SEO Knowledge, Proficiency in Tools Deadline Management Customer Service Representative Qualifications: Varies Preferred: Comm., Problem-Solving Customer Service Exp., CRM Pressure Handling, Problem-Solving Transcription and Translation Qualifications: Lang. Skills, Attention to Detail Preferred: Typing Speed Typing Accuracy, Familiarity with Tools Transcription Software, Cultural Competency Remote Software Development Qualifications: CS Degree Preferred: Programming Skills Programming Languages, Dev. Methodologies Version Control, Problem-Solving, Debugging Remote Sales and Marketing Qualifications: Varies Preferred: Comm., Sales/Marketing Exp. CRM, Interpersonal Skills, Negotiation Sales Target Achievement Remote Healthcare Jobs Qualifications: Relevant Degree, Licenses Preferred: Clinical Skills Telemedicine Exp., Certifications Medical Software, Patient Confidentiality...

Job Type: Experienced or fresher

Job Title Requirements Preferred Skills Additional Skills Required Job Type Years of Experience Remote Job Boards Qualifications: Varies Preferred Skills: Varies Communication, Remote Work Exp. Independence, Time Management, Online Collaboration Experienced 2+ years Freelancing Platforms Qualifications: Varies Preferred Skills: Varies Relevant Exp., Strong Portfolio Self-Motivation, Discipline, Marketing Experien ced 1+ year Online Tutoring Qualifications: Degree or Expertise Preferred: Comm. Skills, Teaching Exp. Teaching Cert., Online Platform Exp. Patience, Clear Explanation, Online Teaching Tools Both Any Virtual Assistant Services Qualifications: Admin. Exp. Preferred: Office Software, Project Management Proficiency in Office Software, PM Tools Multi-tasking, Organizational Skills Both Any Content Creation Qualifications: Varies Preferred: Creativity, Attention to Detail SEO Knowledge, Proficiency in Tools Deadline Management Both Any Customer Service Representative Qualifications: Varies Preferred: Comm., Problem-Solving Customer Service Exp., CRM Pressure Handling, Problem-Solving Both Any Transcription and Translation Qualifications: Lang. Skills, Attention to Detail Preferred: Typing Speed Typing Accuracy, Familiarity with Tools Transcription Software, Cultural Competency Both Any Remote Software Development Qualifications: CS Degree Preferred: Programming Skills Programming Languages, Dev. Methodologies Version Control, Problem-Solving, Debugging Experienced 2+ years Remote Sales and Marketing Qualifications: Varies Preferred: Comm., Sales/Marketing Exp CRM, Interpersonal Skills, Negotiation Sales Target Achievement Both Any Remote Healthcare Jobs Qualifications: Relevant Degree, Licenses Preferred: Clinical Skills Telemedicine Exp., Certifications Medical Software, Patient Confidentiality Experienced 2+ years...

Tech stack

Job Title Requirements Years of Experience Additional Skills Tech Stack Remote Job Boards Communication, Remote Work Exp. 2+ years Independence,Time Management _ Freelancing Platforms Strong Portfolio, Self-Motivation 1+ year Discipline, Marketing _ Online Tutoring Communication, Office Software Any Teaching Skills _ Virtual Assistant Services Admin. Exp., Office Software Any Multi-tasking, Organization _ Content Creation Creativity, Attention to Detail Any Content Management Systems _ Customer Service Problem-Solving, CRM Exp. Any CRM, Communication Skills Customer Relationship Management Software Transcription and Translation Language Skills, Typing Accuracy Any Transcription Software _ Software Developmen CS Degree, Programming Skills 2+ years Version Control, Debugging Programming Languages, Frameworks, Version Control Systems Sales and Marketing Communication, Negotiation Any CRM, Sales Target Achievement Customer Relationship Management Software Healthcare Jobs Relevant Degree, Licenses 2+ years Telemedicine Platforms Telemedicine Platforms, Medical Software...

Main product/services of the company

The “Main product/services of the company” is a more common category, and can be considered in the light of a particular company. Please either give the name of the company or the type of industry which you are looking for I can identify what the main product or service is provided by this company....