jsonlite Package in R

The jsonlite package in R is designed to parse, generate, and work with JSON data. It provides functions for converting R objects to JSON format and vice versa. Some key functions include.


# Install the jsonlite package
# Load the jsonlite package into your R session

Reading JSON from a File


# Read JSON from a file
json_data <- fromJSON("C:\\Users\\GFG19565\\Downloads\\GFG1.json")


[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8"
[1] "Priyanshu" "Yashodhra" "Abhishek" "Tanmay" "Samriddha"
[6] "Anjali" "Samrat" "Nikhil"
[1] "123" "67" "62" "77" "81" "56" "92" "22"
[1] "02/08/2018" "09/03/2018" "08/05/2018" "05/11/2019" "03/06/2019"
[6] "05/11/2019" "07/10/2020" "06/07/2015"

Convert to data frame


# Convert to data frame
my_data_frame <- as.data.frame(json_data)
# Print the resulting data frame


  CollegeID      Name SubjectCode CourseStartDate StudentDepartment
1 1 Priyanshu 123 02/08/2018 IT
2 2 Yashodhra 67 09/03/2018 Computer
3 3 Abhishek 62 08/05/2018 ENTC
4 4 Tanmay 77 05/11/2019 Electronics
5 5 Samriddha 81 03/06/2019 Electrical
6 6 Anjali 56 05/11/2019 Civil
7 7 Samrat 92 07/10/2020 Chemical
8 8 Nikhil 22 06/07/2015 Mechanical

jsonlite is known for its high performance. It is written in C and offers a fast JSON parser. This makes it suitable for working with large JSON datasets.

While rjson is generally considered slower than jsonlite, the difference may not be significant for small to moderately sized datasets.

How to read JSON files in R

In this article, we will see How to read a JSON file in R through an example, and also we will have a look at how to convert JSON data into a data frame. As we know, in the R language, we have to install different packages to deal with other things, so the first step is nothing but installing the package rjson.

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jsonlite Package in R
