Keep in Mind

  • Existing tracked files won’t be automatically removed. You’ll need separate commands for that (not covered here).
  • The `.gitignore` file applies to the directory it’s placed in and its subdirectories. You can create additional `.gitignore` files in subdirectories for more specific control.

By using `.gitignore` effectively, you can keep your Git repository focused on the essential code and content, making it cleaner and easier to manage. Remember, a well-defined `.gitignore` file is a great way to keep your Git project organized!

How to Make .gitignore Ignore Everything Except a Few Files?

Sometimes you might have files in your Git project that you don’t want tracked by version control. Here’s how to use a `.gitignore` file to tell Git to ignore everything except a few specific files you want to keep track of.

Table of Content

  • Creating the `.gitignore` File
  • Adding File Exclusion Rules
  • Saving and Checking
  • Keep in Mind

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Saving and Checking

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Keep in Mind

Existing tracked files won’t be automatically removed. You’ll need separate commands for that (not covered here). The `.gitignore` file applies to the directory it’s placed in and its subdirectories. You can create additional `.gitignore` files in subdirectories for more specific control....