Kernel Processes

Only kernel space is where kernel processes run. They resemble daemon processes in many ways. The main distinction is that kernel processes are more potent than daemon processes which run in user space because they have complete admittance to kernel data structures. Additionally, daemon processes are more adaptable than kernel processes. A daemon process’s behavior can be modified by altering its configuration files and restarting the service. However, modifying kernel processes can necessitate recompiling the kernel.

How to Find Top Running Processes by Memory and CPU Usage

Every current (running) instance of a program is referred to as a process in Linux. There are running processes on every instance of the Linux operating system. , SSHd, SSH processes, and cron jobs are a few examples. A process is started by any application that has to be used. These processes frequently produce new processes.

In Unix, each command you issue initiates or starts a new process. You initiated a process when you used the df command to display the amount of disc space available.

Processes in Linux

  • UID – Associated user ID for this process.
  • PID –  ID of the process.
  • PPID – ID of the parent process.
  • %CPU – CPU utilized by the process.
  • %MEM – Memory utilized by the process.
  • STIME – Start time of the process.
  • TIME – Time is taken by the process.
  • COMMAND – The command that started this process.

In a Linux system, various types of processes exist. User processes, daemon processes, & kernel processes are some examples of these categories.

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Types of Processes:

Foreground Processes: The initialization and management of foreground processes – also known as interactive processes – take place through a terminal session. In other words, these processes cannot be initiated automatically as components of the system’s functions or services; a user connection is required. Background Processes: Background processes, often known as non-interactive or automatic processes, are those that are not linked to a terminal and do not require user input....

User Processes:

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Kernel Processes:

Only kernel space is where kernel processes run. They resemble daemon processes in many ways. The main distinction is that kernel processes are more potent than daemon processes which run in user space because they have complete admittance to kernel data structures. Additionally, daemon processes are more adaptable than kernel processes. A daemon process’s behavior can be modified by altering its configuration files and restarting the service. However, modifying kernel processes can necessitate recompiling the kernel....

System/Process States:

The system gives a process a state when it is created. The process’s current state is described in the state section of the process description....

Find Top Running Processes by Memory and CPU Usage:

1. Using htop command:...