Key Differences Between PostgreSQL and MongoDB

The Major differences between PostgreSQL and MongoDB are explained in the table below:

Feature PostgreSQL MongoDB

Built By

MongoDB was started in 2007 by 10Gen, which created the product based on the word humongous10Gen

PostgreSQL is an open-source project maintained by PostgreSQL Global Development Group and their prolific community

Database Type Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) Non-Relational, Document-Oriented Database
SQL Support Supports SQL Supports MongoDB Query Language (similar to JavaScript)

Built Using

PostgreSQL was written in C

MongoDB was written in C++

Schema Requires predefined schema Dynamic schemas allows documents to have different fields
Scalability Scales up vertically Scales out horizontally

ACID Compliance Supports full ACID compliance Recently added support for ACID transactions across multiple documents
Data Model Tables with predefined schemas Documents with dynamic schemas
Data Storage Stores data in tables Stores data in JSON-like documents
Query Performance Optimized for complex queries Optimized for fast data retrieval and insertion

Let’s understand more about these databases individually:

Difference between PostgreSQL and MongoDB

The main difference between PostgreSQL and MongoDB is that PostgreSQL is a relational database management system that uses SQL, whereas MongoDB is a non-relational, document-oriented database that stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents.

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