Key Point of rows Attribute

Key Point Description
Visible Height The rows attribute determines the initial visible height of the “textarea” box, specifying the number of visible lines of text.
User Interaction Users can input multiline text within the “textarea”, and the “textarea” box will expand vertically as needed to accommodate additional lines beyond the specified number of rows.

How to use the rows attribute in HTML Textarea Element ?

The rows attribute in <textarea> Tags are used to specify the visible height of the text area. It determines the number of visible lines of text that are initially displayed within the <textarea> element.

This attribute allows developers to control the size of the textarea box, providing users with a defined area for inputting multiline text.

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Key Point of rows Attribute

Key Point Description Visible Height The rows attribute determines the initial visible height of the “textarea” box, specifying the number of visible lines of text. User Interaction Users can input multiline text within the “textarea”, and the “textarea” box will expand vertically as needed to accommodate additional lines beyond the specified number of rows....


Visible Lines: The rows attribute determines the initial visible height of the textarea box, displaying the specified number of lines of text initially. User Input: Users can input multiline text within the textarea box, and the textarea will expand vertically as needed to accommodate additional lines beyond the initially specified number of rows. Dynamic Sizing: The textarea box may dynamically adjust its height to fit additional lines of text beyond the initially specified number of rows, ensuring that all entered text remains visible to the user....