Largest Sugarcane-Producing States in India

The primary sugarcane producer state in India is Maharashtra, which, in the fiscal year 2022–23, recorded an annual production of 138 lakh metric tons of sugarcane.

Key Facts about Sugarcane Producing States in India

  • Major Contributors: The lion’s share of India’s sugarcane production comes from the states of Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, and Maharashtra, collectively contributing a substantial 80% to the total output.
  • Maharashtra’s Consistent Performance: Maharashtra consistently demonstrates its significance in sugarcane production, contributing an average of 61.32 million metric tons annually. This consistent performance underscores the state’s pivotal role in India’s overall sugarcane cultivation.
  1. Largest Producer: India is one of the world’s largest producers of sugarcane, with a significant share of global production.
  2. Top States: Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Karnataka are the leading states in sugarcane production in India.
  3. Uttar Pradesh Dominance: Uttar Pradesh consistently ranks as the top sugarcane-producing state in India, contributing significantly to the country’s overall production.
  4. Crop Cycle: Sugarcane is a tropical and subtropical crop, primarily grown during the kharif season (monsoon season) in India.
  5. Sugar and Ethanol: Sugarcane is a vital crop in India for both sugar production and ethanol production. The sugar industry plays a crucial role in the country’s economy.
  6. Employment: Sugarcane farming and the sugar industry provide employment opportunities to a large number of people, especially in rural areas.
  7. Export and Import: India both exports and imports sugar, depending on the domestic production and global sugar prices.
  8. Government Support: The Indian government often announces minimum support prices (MSPs) for sugarcane to support farmers and ensure the sustainability of sugarcane cultivation.
  9. Crop Diversity: Sugarcane is a versatile crop that can be used for various purposes, including sugar production, ethanol production, and molasses for alcohol production.
  10. Challenges: The sugarcane industry in India faces challenges such as water scarcity, fluctuating sugar prices, and issues related to fair pricing for farmers.

Highest Sugarcane Producing State in India (Updated List)

Highest Sugarcane Producing State in India: Maharashtra is one of India’s leading sugarcane-producing states and held the top position in the 2022-23 season. The annual sugarcane production in Maharashtra for that year was reported to be approximately 138 lakh tonnes (or 13.8 million metric tonnes). Maharashtra’s consistent performance in sugarcane cultivation underscores its pivotal role in India’s overall sugarcane production and the country’s sugar and ethanol industries.

In this article, We have covered the list of the Highest Sugarcane sugarcane-producing states in India as well as the largest Sugarcane sugarcane-producing states in the world and many more.

Let’s dive right in.

Highest Sugarcane Producing State in India

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