Levels 2 and 3

Direction (1-4): Study the following information carefully and answer according to the question. 

  • M&N means M is north of N  
  • M*N means M is east of N
  • M%N means M is west of N  
  • M^N means M is south of N  

           S & Q * P & T, P ^ R % S

Q1. What is the direction of S with respect to T?

1. Northeast  

2. Northwest  

3. Southeast  

4. Southwest  

5. North

Ans: 1

S is the North-East with respect to T.


Q2. B%F, D@G#A&F,  C%E, E&B; What is the direction of B with respect to S?

1. South  

2. Southwest  

3. Southeast  

4. Northeast

5. Northwest  

Ans- 5, North-West


Q3. F%L, I&K#H, G&L, H@J%G, If I is in the North-East of F, then what is the direction of L with respect to K?

1. North  

2. South  

3. North East  

4. NorthWest  

5. None of these

Ans- 5, None of these 


Q4. P&N%O, P#S@U, R%T@Q%U. In which direction R is with respect to P?

1. North  

2. Southeast  

3. Northeast  

4. East  

5. None of these


Ans- 5


None of these    

Q(5-6): Study the following information carefully and answer according to the question.

In a certain code language:

  • The symbol ‘#’ means East
  • The symbol ‘$’ means West
  • The symbol ‘&’ means North
  • The symbol ‘@’ means South

Note: If two symbols are given simultaneously then you are to take both directions. Let us understand,

  • The meaning of ‘&#’ is North-East.

Q5. There are seven places present in the exhibition. Place C is &# of Place E which is # of Place B. Place E is & of Place A which is $ of Place D. Place C is & of Place D. Place F is # of Place C. Place G is & of Place F. In which direction Place G is with respect to Place A?

1. @#

2. &#

3. @

4. @$

5. Cannot be determined

Ans-2, North East


Q6. Rishu started walking towards 10m& take 6m#, again takes 7m@. After taking 8m% and 14m@ he reached his office. In which direction he is from his starting point?

1. @$

2. @#

3. &#

4. &

5. @

Ans- 3, North-East

Q( 7-8 ): Study the following information carefully and answer according to the question.

P + Q means P is north of Q at a distance of 4m.

P % Q means P is south of Q at a distance of 9m.

P ? Q means P is right of Q at a distance of 6m.

P & Q means P is left of Q at a distance of 5m.

Q7. I & M, J % M, K ? N + J in which direction is I with respect to K?

1. South  

2. West  

3. Southwest  

4. North  

5. None of these  

Ans 5, None of these


Q8. S ? Q, S & T % R What is the approximate distance between S and R in meters?

1. 10

2. 11

3. 12

4. 15

5. 20

Ans- 1, 10 ( 25+81= 106 ) take the approximate value of 106 which is 100 so, the root square of 100 is 10.



Q (9-10): Study the following information carefully and answer according to the question.

Six Chairs are kept at a certain distance. The Red and Black chairs are 14m apart White chairs are kept somewhere in the mid of with Red and Black chairs. The Pink chair is 5m north of the Red chair, which is 12m west of the white chair. The yellow chair is kept 8m south of the Black chair.

Q 9. What is the shortest distance between Pink and White chairs? 

1. 14m  

2. 12m  

3. 10m  

4. 13m

5. None of these 

Ans- 4, 13m 


10. What is the total distance between Yellow and Pink Chair?

1. 27m

2. 29m

3. 46m

4. 16m

5. None of these

Ans- 1, 27m

Q(11-15): Study the following information carefully and answer according to the question.

Eight drains are constructed by some workers in such a way that drains A and B are 20km apart similarly Drain C and D are 20km apart. drain A is north of drain B and drain D is east of drain C, It line joining drain A-B and drain C-D intersect at drain F. drain F is south of drain A and north of drain B similarly, east of drain C and west of drain D. Moving towards the south of drain D there is drain H which is 10Km Northeast of drain B. When we move towards north of drain C we reach drain G which is 10Km Southwest of drain A. Distance between drain C and drain G is equal to drain F and drain D.

Q11. In which direction drain H is with respect to drain C?

1. Southeast

2. South   

3. North   

4. Northwest  

5. None of these  

Answer  1 


Q12. If Parking is given in the north of drain B and west of drain H then what is the distance between drain H and Parking?

1. Can’t say   

2. 15km  

3. 13km  

4. 10km  

5. 25km  

Answer 4

Q13. If there is a general store which is south of drain A and East of drain G then what is the distance of the Park from drain G?

1. 11km  

2. 10km  

3. 7km  

4. 17km  

5. None of these

Answer 2

Q14. Considering data from the above two questions what is the direction of Parking with respect to Park?

1. East  

2. West  

3. North  

4. South  

5. Can’t be determined  

Answer 4

Q15. In which direction drain F is with respect to drain H?

1. North  

2. Southwest 

3. Northwest  

4. South   

5. Southeast  

Answer 3

Direction & Distance Advance Level

The questions of the Direction and Distance chapters are considered important questions in the Logical Reasoning section of various Bank PO, Clerk, SSC, States PSC, and Railways exams. In this article, we will discuss and solve the Advanced-level Direction and Distance questions in two parts level-2 and Level-3; for Basic-level Direction and Distance Questions and Answer visit our Basic-level Direction and Distance Chapter.

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Direction (1-4): Study the following information carefully and answer according to the question....