Limitations of Erase Remove Idiom

  • It only works with certain types of containers like vectors, lists, and deques, and not with others like maps and sets.
  • Disrupts the order of remaining elements.
  • It may be slow if the predicate function is expensive.

Erase-Remove Idiom in C++

Erase-Remove-Idiom is a C++ STL (Standard Template Library) technique to remove elements from a container. It is used to remove all the elements satisfying certain conditions from the container.

The erase-remove idiom is especially useful in array-based containers like vectors, where each elimination requires all the remaining elements to adjust. In the worst case, this may lead to O ( n2 ) time complexity. This technique avoids this by providing the elimination of the elements in a single parse. That is why, the erase-remove idiom provides O( n ) time complexity.

In this technique, we use the combination of two member functions of the container to remove the elements efficiently.

  • std::erase
  • std::remove or std::remove_if

It is due to the use of this function that this technique is called the erase-remove idiom.

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Working of Erase Remove Idiom

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Implementation of Erase Remove Idiom

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Advantages of Erase Remove Idiom


Limitations of Erase Remove Idiom

Highly efficient as all the items can be removed in a single parse. Safe and flexible due to the use of STL predefined function templates....