Line Magic Commands

Line magic commands are used to provide a special functionality to a single line of code, line magic commands begin with ‘%’ followed by the line command. To check the available magic commands run ‘%lsmagic’ this command will show all the magic commands, as of now there are 97 line magic commands which are as follows:

%alias, %alias_magic, %autoawait, %autocall, %automagic, %autosave, %bookmark, %cat, %cd, %clear, %colors, %conda, %config, %connect_info, %cp, %debug, %dhist, %dirs, %doctest_mode, %ed, %edit, %env, %gui, %hist, %history, %killbgscripts, %ldir, %less, %lf, %lk, %ll, %load, %load_ext, %loadpy, %logoff, %logon, %logstart, %logstate, %logstop, %ls, %lsmagic, %lx, %macro, %magic, %man, %matplotlib, %mkdir, %more, %mv, %notebook, %page, %pastebin, %pdb, %pdef, %pdoc, %pfile, %pinfo, %pinfo2, %pip, %popd, %pprint, %precision, %prun, %psearch, %psource, %pushd, %pwd, %pycat, %pylab, %qtconsole, %quickref, %recall, %rehashx, %reload_ext, %rep, %rerun, %reset, %reset_selective, %rm, %rmdir, %run, %save, %sc, %set_env, %store, %sx, %system, %tb, %time, %timeit, %unalias, %unload_ext, %who, %who_ls, %whos, %xdel, %xmode

Since it is not possible to cover all the 97 line magic commands we will only cover the most widely and helpful commands in this article, we will look some line magic commands along with the short description followed by example of some line magic commands:

Line Magic Command



Define an alias for a system command.


Create an alias for an existing line or cell magic


Make magic functions callable without having to type the initial %


Change the current working directory


Activate the interactive debugger


Print your history of visited directories


Return the current directory stack


Get, set, or list environment variables.


Enable or disable IPython GUI event loop integration


Load code into the current frontend


Load an IPython extension by its module name


List All Available Magic Commands


Define a macro for future re-execution. It accepts ranges of history, filenames or string objects


Print Information About Magic Commands System


Set up matplotlib to work interactively.


Export and convert IPython notebooks


Print (or run through pager) the file where an object is defined


Run the pip package manager within the current kernel


Run a statement through the python code profiler


Return the current working directory path


Reload an IPython extension by its module name


Resets the namespace by removing all names defined by the user


Run the named file inside IPython as a program


Save a set of lines or a macro to a given filename


Set environment variables


Shell execute – run shell command and capture output


Measures time execution of a Python statement or expression


Measures Execution Time of Line


Remove an alias


print all interactive variables, with some minimal formatting


Return a sorted list of all interactive variables


Like %who, but gives some extra information about each variable


Delete a variable, trying to clear it from anywhere that IPython’s machinery has references to it.


Switch modes for the exception handlers

Example of Line Magic Functions

1. %load

  • Load the code from external file and insert in into the cell
  • Syntax:





2. %run

  • Run the named file inside IPython as a program
  • Syntax:






3. %time

  • Measure the execution time of a single Python statement or expression
  • Syntax:

%time some_funtion()



def fibonacci(n):
     if n == 0 or n == 1: return n
     return fibonacci(n-1)+fibonacci(n-2)
%time fibonacci(10)


CPU times: total: user 20 ns, sys:4 ns, total: 24 ns
Wall time: 26.2 ns

4. %timeit

  • Measure the execution time of a single Python statement or expression by performing executions multiple time to get more accurate results.
  • Syntax:

%timeit some_function()



def fibonacci(n):
     if n == 0 or n == 1: return n
     return fibonacci(n-1)+fibonacci(n-2)
%timeit fibonacci(10)


14.7 µs ± 869 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100,000 loops each)

5. %cd

  • Change the current working directory
  • Syntax:

%cd directory/sub_dir



%cd Form_data_visualization


Useful IPython magic commands

In this article, we will cover IPython Magic commands/functions and discuss various types of magic commands available. In this article we will be using Jupyter Notebook to execute the magic commands first, we look at what are Magic functions and why we use them, then different types of magic functions followed by examples. There are a lot of magic functions but in this article, we discuss the most commonly used magic functions.

Jupyter Notebook

The Jupyter Notebook is the original web application for creating and sharing computational documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. It offers a simple, streamlined, document-centric experience. Jupyter has support for over 40 different programming languages and Python is one of them.

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Magic Commands

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Line Magic Commands

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Cell Magic Commands


Example of Cell Magic Functions
