List of 10 Largest Lakes in the World

  1. Caspian Sea
  2. Lake Superior
  3. Lake Victoria
  4. Lake Huron
  5. Lake Michigan
  6. Lake Tanganyika
  7. Lake Baikal
  8. Great Bear Lake
  9. Lake Malawi
  10. Great Slave Lake

List of Largest Lakes In The World By Volume

Explore the world’s largest lakes with our list, including List of largest lakes in the world by volume, List of largest salt lakes in the world, List of the biggest freshwater lakes in the world, List of largest man-made lakes in the world, and high-altitude lakes. Discover the top 10 World’s biggest lakes list globally, both natural and artificial, showcasing the diversity of these impressive water bodies.

A lake is a large body of water bordered on all sides by land. Lakes abound over the globe. They can be found on every continent and in a variety of habitats, including mountains and deserts, plains, and near the coast. The size of lakes varies a lot. Some are simply a few square meters in size, making them ideal for your backyard.

Ponds are a common name for small lakes like these. Other lakes are large enough to be referred to as seas. With a surface area of about 370,000 square kilometers with locations in Europe and Asia, the Caspian Sea is the world’s biggest lake.

In this article, We have covered the list of the Largest lakes in the world and many more in detail.

Largest lake in the world

Table of Content

  • List of Largest Lakes In The World By Volume
  • 1. List of largest lakes in the world by volume – Caspian Sea
  • 2. List of largest lakes in the world by volume – Superior Lake
  • 3. List of largest lakes in the world by volume – Victoria Lake
  • 4. List of largest lakes in the world by volume – Huron Lake
  • 5. List of largest lakes in the world by volume – Michigan Lake
  • 6. List of largest lakes in the world by volume – Tanganyika Lake
  • 7. List of largest lakes in the world by volume – Baikal Lake
  • 8. List of largest lakes in the world by volume – Great Bear Lake
  • 9. List of largest lakes in the world by volume – Malawi Lake
  • 10. List of largest lakes in the world by volume – Slave Lake
  • List of Largest Salt Lakes in the World
  • List of 10 Largest Lakes in the World
  • List of Highest Lakes in the World
  • List of Largest Man-Made Lakes in the World
  • List of the Biggest Freshwater Lakes in the World
  • World’s Biggest Lakes List
  • Largest 10 Lakes in the World
  • Importance of Largest Lakes in the World

Let’s dive right in.

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List of Largest Lakes In The World By Volume

Here is the list of the Top 10 Largest lakes in the world in a tabular form....

1. List of largest lakes in the world by volume – Caspian Sea

The largest lake in the world is actually the Caspian Sea, even though it is referred to as a sea. Many people believe it to be the biggest inland body of water in the world. The countries of Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran, and Azerbaijan border the Caspian Sea, which is situated in both Western Asia and Eastern Europe. Although its surface area is subject to variations, it usually measures about 371,000 square kilometers, or 143,000 square miles. Furthermore, the Caspian Sea is renowned for its considerable depth, which may be found down to more than 1,000 meters (3,280 ft)....

2. List of largest lakes in the world by volume – Superior Lake

It is not common to refer to Lake Superior as the second-biggest lake; instead, it is frequently regarded as the largest freshwater lake in the world by surface area. On the other hand, if you’re talking about lakes that are biggest in terms of volume, Lake Baikal in Siberia, Russia, is frequently cited as the deepest lake in the world. The largest of the five Great Lakes and the largest freshwater lake in terms of surface area is Lake Superior, which is situated in North America. With a surface size of over 82,103 square kilometers (31,700 square miles), it is renowned for both its noteworthy depth and breathtaking scenery....

3. List of largest lakes in the world by volume – Victoria Lake

According to surface area and volume, Lake Victoria is sometimes ranked as the second and third largest freshwater lake in the world, respectively. It is a component of the African Great Lakes system and is situated in East Africa. Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya are the three nations that share Lake Victoria. With a maximum depth of roughly 84 meters (276 feet), it has a surface area of approximately 68,800 square kilometers (26,600 square miles)....

4. List of largest lakes in the world by volume – Huron Lake

Among the Great Lakes, Lake Huron is the third largest by volume and the second largest by surface area in the globe. It is connected to Michigan through the Straits of Mackinac. It has the largest shoreline of any Great Lake, spanning 3,800 miles, and is home to nearly 30,000 islands. Its dangerous seas are home to thousands of sunken ships; just 22 wreck sites may be found in Fathom Five National Marine Park. The area is well-known for its shipwrecks....

5. List of largest lakes in the world by volume – Michigan Lake

The whole United States is home to Lake Michigan, which is situated in the northeastern region of the continent. Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois encircle it, and it is a member of the Great Lakes system. Approximately 58,000 square kilometers (22,400 square miles) make up the surface area of Lake Michigan, making it the second largest of the Great Lakes. The only body of water larger than it is Lake Superior....

6. List of largest lakes in the world by volume – Tanganyika Lake

Lake Baikal in Russia is the largest freshwater lake by volume, with Lake Tanganyika coming in second. It is roughly 32,900 square kilometers in surface area (12,700 square miles). The lake is the second-deepest lake in the world after Lake Baikal, reaching a maximum depth of roughly 1,470 meters (4,820 feet). Approximately 18% of the freshwater available on Earth, excluding water held in the polar ice caps, is found in this freshwater lake....

7. List of largest lakes in the world by volume – Baikal Lake

Located in Siberia, Russia, Lake Baikal is frequently regarded as the oldest and deepest freshwater lake in the world. It may not be the seventh-largest lake in terms of surface area, but it is the deepest and has the highest freshwater content. By volume, Lake Baikal is frequently regarded as the biggest freshwater lake in the world. Lake Baikal, with a maximum depth of roughly 1,642 meters (5,387 feet), is the deepest freshwater lake in the world. With a volume of over 23,600 cubic kilometers (5,662 cubic miles), it is the world’s largest freshwater lake by volume....

8. List of largest lakes in the world by volume – Great Bear Lake

Great Bear Lake is the largest lake entirely within Canada and the fourth-largest in North America. It is located in the Northwest Territories of Canada. There are many islands in the lake, but Bear Island, which is close to the eastern side, is the largest island. Along with its natural beauty and environmental significance, Great Bear Lake is significant to the Indigenous tribes in the area on an ecological and cultural level....

9. List of largest lakes in the world by volume – Malawi Lake

One of the African Great Lakes, Lake Malawi is situated in the East African Rift System and is also referred to as Lake Nyasa in Tanzania and Lago Niassa in Mozambique. By surface area, it is the ninth-largest lake worldwide and the third-largest in Africa. The surface area of Lake Malawi is approximately 29,600 square kilometers, or 11,400 square miles. After Lake Victoria and Lake Tanganyika, it is the third-largest lake in Africa in terms of surface area. Lake Malawi is important for its cultural and recreational significance as well as its ecological and economic contributions to the area. The lake is a valuable natural resource for the nations it borders because of the rare fish species that inhabit there and its breathtaking scenery....

10. List of largest lakes in the world by volume – Slave Lake

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List of 10 Largest Lakes in the World

Caspian Sea Lake Superior Lake Victoria Lake Huron Lake Michigan Lake Tanganyika Lake Baikal Great Bear Lake Lake Malawi Great Slave Lake...

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Lake Baikal: Holds the title for the largest freshwater lake by volume. Lake Superior: The largest by surface area in the Great Lakes chain. Lake Victoria: Africa’s largest lake by area, and the world’s second-largest freshwater lake....

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