List of Hobbies and Interests To Put on Your Resume

Here are some examples of hobbies and interests that you may want to include on your resume:

1. Volunteer work or community involvement 

Volunteer work or community involvement demonstrates your commitment to making a positive impact in your community and can showcase a variety of skills that are valuable in the workplace. 

For example, volunteer work can demonstrate your leadership skills if you held a leadership role within the organization, or teamwork skills if you worked on a project with a group. 

Volunteer work can also showcase your dedication and initiative, as you have chosen to spend your free time helping others. You can show that you’ve got the ability to work under pressure and manage time while working with limited resources.  

Example –  Volunteering at a Dog Shelter on weekends.

2. Travel and explore new cultures 

Traveling and exploring new cultures can show recruiters your adaptability and open-mindedness, as well as cross-cultural communication skills. Traveling to different parts of the world exposes a person to different cultures, languages, and customs, which can help them to become more open-minded and understanding of different perspectives. 

It also shows your ability to navigate unfamiliar situations and cultures, which can be valuable in a global business environment.

Example – Like to travel and explore new cultures. So far I’ve travelled to 5 countries. 

3. Reading, writing, or blogging

Reading, writing, or blogging can reveal your literacy and communication skills. Reading can show your ability to understand and interpret written information, while writing or blogging can demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively. 

Blogging can also show your ability to use technology and digital platforms, which can be valuable in today’s digital age and can help you grab a job that requires a tech-savvy individual.

Example – Like to read non-fiction books like self-help books, management books and travel books.

4. Sports, fitness or wellness activities

Sports, fitness, or wellness activities can display your discipline, goal orientation, and physical stamina. If you’re engaging in regular physical activity, you can show commitment to taking care of your health and well-being, which can be valuable in a high-stress work environment. 

If you’re an athlete and often participate in sports or fitness activities, then you can show your ability to set and achieve goals, as well as the ability to work well in a team.

Example – Practicing table tennis and ping pong and Muay Thai during my free time.

5. Playing musical instruments

If you put a hobby like playing musical instruments like Guitar or Saxophone, then you’re showing your discipline, creativity, and dedication.

Playing a musical instrument requires discipline and dedication to practice, which can be valuable in a work environment and also your creative side. 

Example – Playing the piano and ukulele and learning new instruments.

6. Creative pursuits such as art, photography or design

Taking part in creative hobbies such as art, photography, or design can showcase your imaginative spirit, meticulousness, and knack for thinking outside the box. Indulging in these activities can demonstrate your ability to approach challenges with a fresh perspective, making them a valuable asset in any work setting.

If you’re applying for a creative role, doing these activities can showcase your creativity and have an eye for new things. 

Example – Take nature photography and create handmade postcards with those photos on them. 

7. Cooking or foodie interests

Cooking up a storm in the kitchen or being a foodie can show off your creativity, precision, and love for learning new things. Cooking allows one to be creative in experimenting with new dishes and perfecting the skills with attention to detail. 

Being interested in food and cooking is an indication of your desire to learn and try new things, making them eager learners in any field. 

Example – Trying out new food outlets in different cities and making different cuisines from scratch. 

8. Learning new languages

Learning new languages like French, German, and many others can showcase your adaptability, cross-cultural communication skills, and thirst for knowledge. Taking on the challenge of learning a new language is a clear indication of one’s willingness to adapt and learn new things. 

Moreover, speaking multiple languages can demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively with people from different backgrounds, making you a valuable asset in a global business setting.

Example – Learning new foreign languages like Mandarin, Japanese, and French.

9. Outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, or rock climbing

Embracing the great outdoors through activities such as hiking, camping, or rock climbing can highlight your bravery, stamina, and problem-solving skills. These activities require a certain level of physical fitness and determination, as well as the ability to navigate unfamiliar terrain and potentially difficult conditions. 

By taking on outdoor challenges, you can show that you can think on your feet and come up with innovative solutions to unexpected problems.

Example – Trekking through steep mountains. I’ve trekked through 5 peaks so far. 

10. Gaming or technology interests

A passion for gaming or technology can showcase your tech-savviness, problem-solving abilities, and ability to pick up new software and platforms quickly. It shows you are comfortable working with technology and have the ability to learn new tools and platforms quickly. 

Gaming also often requires strategic thinking, problem-solving skills, and the ability to work well under pressure, all of which can be beneficial in a work setting. Furthermore, gaming can demonstrate your ability to work in a team and to be a leader, as well as communication skills.

Example – Playing games like Minecraft and Fortnite with my game teammates and participating in weekly challenges.

Other hobbies and interests you can mention are:

11. Gardening or farming

12. Wine or beer making

13. Environmental conservation or sustainability

14. Personal development or self-improvement

15. Board games or puzzle solving

16. Collecting art or other items

17. Personal finance or investing

18. Carpentry or DIY projects

19. Motorcycling or car enthusiast

20. Pet care or animal welfare

21. Boardsports such as snowboarding, surfing, or skateboarding

22. Scuba diving or snorkeling

23. Astronomy or space exploration

24. Writing

25. Podcasting

26. Learn new programming languages

27. Vlogging

28. E-Sports

29. Learning sign language

30. Embroidery

You can also add hobbies and interests that can show these hard and soft skills:


It’s important to note that not all these hobbies and interests may be relevant or suitable for the job you are applying for. Therefore, you should only select the ones that are most relevant and showcase your skills and personality in the best way possible. 

If you’re in a dilemma about what hobbies to put and how to list them in your resume, then you can give our resume builder tool a try! w3wiki’ Free Online Resume Builder will create a resume within 5 minutes or less that is not only ATS proof but also mention relevant skills and details that will make you stand out of the crowd and help you grab the recruiter’s attention in no time. 

List of Hobbies and Interests For Resume [2023]

While most recruiters advise that one shouldn’t include hobbies or interests on their resume as it looks unprofessional, but it’s not exactly true. There are some benefits that come with citing the right hobbies and interests on your resume. 

When it comes to mentioning your hobbies and interest on a resume, you must choose relevant hobbies that can boost your personality. If you’re thinking about listing hobbies like “I like reading books and watching movies”, then you’ll definitely lose out and become a part of the crowd who doesn’t impress recruiters in the first place. 

The hobbies and interest section in the resume might look irrelevant and boring but it’s a great way to catch the eye of recruiters. The Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and many others highlight the importance of adding interests and hobbies to your resume. But why? It’s all about the work-life balance. Employers are looking for humans who have fun outside of work and it will definitely show the real you.

Let’s be real that not every hobby belongs on your resume. Some unusual or weird hobbies can show you in a bad light in front of recruiters and potentially blacklisted in the future. This is why it’s very important to choose the right hobbies and interests to put on a resume.

In this article, we’ll list such examples of hobbies and interests that will create a positive impression and stand you out from the crowd. Before that let’s see how hobbies differentiate from interests. 

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