List of Most Commonly Used Interjections

There are some most commonly used Interjections with examples are:




Ugh! I can not believe how moldy the fridge is.


Wow, nice work! I am impressed. 


A lazy morning on a Sunday, nice! 


Woohoo! I won the match. 


Cool! I did not know you could open a beer with your teeth. 


Those shoes were only 500 rupees? Win! 


Huh! I did not know your mummy was a pilot, that is interesting. 


Noo, I thought the food would be here by now. 


So…what did you want to speak to me about? 


Ouch! I am not sure you should have been so honest. 


Yup, we can have that fixed for you in about an hour. 

Oh my

Oh my! Did you see how much that man looked like his dog? 


Sweet! I shall meet you at the park tomorrow at two.


Awesome! We can sit next to each other on the plane! 


Hmm, I am not sure! I think I will be able to finish that by Friday. 


Yeah! We should try that! 

Uh oh

Uh oh, The shower is broken again. 

Oh man oh

Oh man, I spilt ice cream on my favourite coat


Ew! You are going to eat that after it is been on the floor? 


Ahh, I get it now. I thought you meant something else.


Sure, You can book the tickets tonight if I want. 


Hey! How are you doing? We have not spoken in a while. 


Um — I think we need to come up with a new plan. 


Ha, no it was not like that. 

Oh dear oh

Oh dear, I think I should go to bed a bit earlier tonight. 


Yikes! That is a bit intense for a first date, isn’t it? 


Oops, I think I called that guy by the wrong name. 


I am not sure. Like, maybe five or seven times? 


He has already rung me three times today! Jeez! 


Ahem! I am still waiting! 

Interjections – Definition, Types, Rules and Examples


An interjection is a word or phrase expressing some kind of sudden feelings of sadness or emotions. Interjections are a type of part of speech, but in a sentence, they are not grammatically connected to other parts of a sentence. Interjections are those common words which use in everyday speech and informal writing. There are no particular rules as to where interjections should be placed in a sentence, but most often, they are seen to appear at the beginning of a sentence. It’s used to form exclamatory sentences.

Table of Content

  • What is interjection 
  • Interjection definition
  • Examples of Interjection
  • Types of Interjection
  • Rules of Interjections 
  • List of Interjections 
  • List of Most Commonly Used Interjections
  •  Interjections vs. conjunctions
  • Interjections Quiz/Practice Questions on Interjections
  • FAQs on Interjections 

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