List of Preprocessor Directives in C

The following table lists all the preprocessor directives available in the C programming language:

Preprocessor Directives



Used to define a macro.


Used to undefine a macro.


Used to include a file in the source code program.


Used to include a section of code if a certain macro is defined by #define.


Used to include a section of code if a certain macro is not defined by #define.


Check for the specified condition.


Alternate code that executes when #if fails.


Used to mark the end of #if, #ifdef, and #ifndef.


Used to generate a compilation error message.


Used to modify line number and filename information.

#pragma once

To make sure the header is included only once.

#pragma message

Used for displaying a message during compilation.

C Preprocessor Directives

In almost every C program we come across, we see a few lines at the top of the program preceded by a hash (#) sign. They are called preprocessor directives and are preprocessed by the preprocessor before actual compilation begins. The end of these lines is identified by the newline character ‘\n’, no semicolon ‘;’ is needed to terminate these lines. Preprocessor directives are mostly used in defining macros, evaluating conditional statements, source file inclusion, pragma directives, line control, error detection, etc.

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