Location Of Azure Virtual Machine

In Azure, we created resources that are distributed among various regions, and that region is called Location. Usually, the process is known as specifying a location. It means that a VM location specifies where the virtual hard disks are stored. As there are different methods from which we get a list of locations.

The first method is when we create a VM we can select the location from the list given in the Azure portal. The list of regions or locations is provided in the Azure portal from which one can choose any location from the given list.

Azure PowerShell is the second method from which we can use the Get-AzLocation command for choosing the location of our VM. We have to use PowerShell here to know which location is available and which location is not available for creating our VM.

What are Azure Virtual Machines?

We can create and run virtual machines (VMs) in the cloud using Microsoft Azure’s Azure Virtual Machine service without having to manage the infrastructure. We might set up the required OS in the virtual machine, like Linux, Windows, or Mac.

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