Log and log records

The log is a sequence of log records, recording all the updated activities in the database. In stable storage, logs for each transaction are maintained. Any operation which is performed on the database is recorded on the log. Prior to performing any modification to the database, an updated log record is created to reflect that modification. An update log record represented as: <Ti, Xj, V1, V2> has these fields:

  1. Transaction identifier: Unique Identifier of the transaction that performed the write operation.
  2. Data item: Unique identifier of the data item written.
  3. Old value: Value of data item prior to write.
  4. New value: Value of data item after write operation.

Other types of log records are:

  1. <Ti start>: It contains information about when a transaction Ti starts.
  2. <Ti commit>: It contains information about when a transaction Ti commits.
  3. <Ti abort>: It contains information about when a transaction Ti aborts.

Log based Recovery in DBMS

The atomicity property of DBMS states that either all the operations of transactions must be performed or none. The modifications done by an aborted transaction should not be visible to the database and the modifications done by the committed transaction should be visible. To achieve our goal of atomicity, the user must first output stable storage information describing the modifications, without modifying the database itself. This information can help us ensure that all modifications performed by committed transactions are reflected in the database. This information can also help us ensure that no modifications made by an aborted transaction persist in the database.

Log based Recovery in DBMS

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Log and log records

The log is a sequence of log records, recording all the updated activities in the database. In stable storage, logs for each transaction are maintained. Any operation which is performed on the database is recorded on the log. Prior to performing any modification to the database, an updated log record is created to reflect that modification. An update log record represented as: has these fields:...

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Recovery using Log records

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Advantages of Log based Recovery

Durability: In the event of a breakdown, the log file offers a dependable and long-lasting method of recovering data. It guarantees that in the event of a system crash, no committed transaction is lost. Faster Recovery: Since log-based recovery recovers databases by replaying committed transactions from the log file, it is typically faster than alternative recovery methods. Incremental Backup: Backups can be made in increments using log-based recovery. Just the changes made since the last backup are kept in the log file, rather than creating a complete backup of the database each time. Lowers the Risk of Data Corruption: By making sure that all transactions are correctly committed or canceled before they are written to the database, log-based recovery lowers the risk of data corruption....

Disadvantages of Log based Recovery

Additional overhead: Maintaining the log file incurs an additional overhead on the database system, which can reduce the performance of the system. Complexity: Log-based recovery is a complex process that requires careful management and administration. If not managed properly, it can lead to data inconsistencies or loss. Storage space: The log file can consume a significant amount of storage space, especially in a database with a large number of transactions. Time-Consuming: The process of replaying the transactions from the log file can be time-consuming, especially if there are a large number of transactions to recover....


In conclusion, data integrity and system reliability are maintained by log-based recovery in database management systems. It minimizes data loss and ensures reliability by assisting in the continuous restoration of databases following failures....