Longest Palindromic Subsequence in Python using Tabulation

Step-by-step algorithm:

  1. Initialize a 2D array dp with dimensions (n x n), where n is the length of the input sequence.
  2. Set the diagonal elements of dp to 1, as each single character is a palindrome of length 1.
  3. Traverse the input sequence with two pointers i and j, where i starts from n-1 and decrements, and j starts from i+1 and increments.
  4. If seq[i] is equal to seq[j], set dp[i][j] to dp[i+1][j-1] + 2 because the current characters form a palindromic subsequence of length 2 greater than the one inside them.
  5. Otherwise, set dp[i][j] to the maximum of dp[i+1][j] and dp[i][j-1], as we discard one character from either end and try to find the longest palindromic subsequence.
  6. The result is stored in dp[0][n-1], which represents the length of the Longest Palindromic Subsequence.

Below is the implementation of Longest Palindromic Subsequence in Python using Tabulation:

def longestPalinSubseq(S):
    R = S[::-1]

    # dp[i][j] will store the length of the longest
    # palindromic subsequence for the substring
    # starting at index i and ending at index j
    dp = [[0] * (len(R) + 1) for _ in range(len(S) + 1)]

    # Filling up DP table based on conditions discussed
    # in the above approach
    for i in range(1, len(S) + 1):
        for j in range(1, len(R) + 1):
            if S[i - 1] == R[j - 1]:
                dp[i][j] = 1 + dp[i - 1][j - 1]
                dp[i][j] = max(dp[i][j - 1], dp[i - 1][j])

    # At the end, DP table will contain the LPS
    # So just return the length of LPS
    return dp[len(S)][len(R)]

# Driver code
s = "w3wiki"
print("The length of the LPS is", longestPalinSubseq(s))

The length of the LPS is 5

Time Complexity: O(n2), where n is the length of the input string
Auxiliary Space: O(n2)

Longest Palindromic Subsequence in Python

Longest Palindromic Subsequence (LPS) problem is about finding the longest subsequence of the given sequence which is a palindrome. In Python, the task of maximizing the number of words in a sentence can be solved by the methods of dynamic programming.

The algorithm for finding the Longest Palindromic Subsequence involves creating a table to store the lengths of the longest palindromic subsequences for different substrings of the input sequence.

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