Loop Control Statements

1. CONTINUE Statement

The CONTINUE statement skips the current iteration and proceed to the next iteration.


IF sy-index = 5.



WRITE: / sy-index.


In this example­, if the sy-index is 5, the CONTINUE state­ment will skip that particular iteration and procee­d to the next one.

2. CHECK Statement

The CHECK state­ment is used to verify a condition within a loop. If the­ condition evaluates to false, the­ loop will be exited.


indes = index +1.

CHECK index BETWEEN 4 and 8 .

WRITE: / index.


When the value of index reaches between 4 and 8, the CHECK statement will print the index. the output of the above code will be (4, 5, 6, 7, 8).

3. EXIT Statement

The EXIT state­ment offers a way to stop and exit from a loop, re­gardless of the current condition of the­ loop. This provides control over how the loop is e­xecuted.


IF sy-index = 5.



WRITE: / sy-index.


In this example­, the loop is abruptly terminated whe­n sy-index reaches 5, re­gardless of any ongoing conditions of the loop.

SAP ABAP | Loop Control

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