Major Takeaways

We have seen what both approaches have in common, but some of the principles do not always overlap with each other. Let’s have a look at those principles and points on which “Agile” and “Lean” do not intersect.

1. Lean UX majorly focuses on MVP creation

Lean UX focuses on building MVPs because the philosophy behind lean UX is to avoid any time wastage during the process. It involves processes like rapid ideation, coming up with assumptions, quick build, and then validation. 

2. Agile UX brings structural sprints

The agile process from the initial phase as well is known for being very planned and structured. After incorporating UX as a phase in the agile cycle, this practice of being planned is continued. Proper emphasis on planning, execution, and documentation is given to record every step to not go around in circles in the future. What is being done is mentioned to be aware of what processes and approaches have already been taken to enhance the product.

3. Adding UX in Agile has made Agile stronger

For big companies that are very planned and have the time & resources to put the best into the product, Agile UX has made a lot of changes in both product and implementation strategy. User experience work being done before sprints, research and design-thinking methodologies influencing and directing product design, proactive outreach to end users, collaboration, and the development of systems to maintain the focus on user-centered design. Along with this regular feedback from the UX team is being added to the product.

4. Both approaches bring good to the industry

Lean and Agile approaches have brought changes to the market in the way User Experience is looked at. Both approaches include a designer’s toolset in the software development process and are user-centric, collaborative, evidence-based, and iterative. Irrespective of which approach a company or team chooses to follow, it is promised that results will be in the user’s favor.

5. Agile prioritizes people over processes & tools

Agile not only values individual contribution along with the team but also the system functionality, ease of use, thorough documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiations, and adapting to change instead of sticking to a plan are all examples of this.

Agile UX vs Lean UX: What’s the Difference

There has been confusion among most people about picking an approach from “Agile” and “Lean”. Especially when it comes to UX practitioners to adapt with either of these approaches. It is seen that Agile was initially just used for development and later UX has been added to the agile process, this makes the adaptation a bit tricky for the companies and sometimes it is just for the sake of it. To pick the best approach that suits your individual, team, and organizational level goals it is good to know about each of these approaches, their similarities, and differences to come to a better decision.

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