Manegerial Round(50 minutes)

Whole focus of this round was to check your problem solving skills. The interviewer was interactive . He had 20+ years of experience. The interview started with formal introduction. He asked few question based on the projects.He was curious about my project started asking question in depth .Asked few question about android since my project was android based. Almost 20 minutes we had this discussion based on projects and corresponding technology stack. Then he started asking few questions based on operating systems.

  • Difference between 32bit and 64bit operating system
  • Can we install a 32 bit application in 64 bit operating system ? and vice versa.
  • Memory allocation system and there types
  • Paging in detail
  • Few questions based on physical address space and logical address space.
  • Page table and inverted page table
  • Number of trailing zeros in 125! (This was kind of puzzle)
  • Few Technical questions based on c and c++

There were some manegorial questions as well .He first started asking about my extra curricular activities and  management experiences in club activities.

  • Difficutlies Faced in projects
  • Strengths and weaknessess
  • What do you Know about Veritas ?

and some typical HR and Manegorial questions. The Manegerial Part was easy whole selection was dependent on performance of technical part . Out of 30 only 20 made it to HR round

HR Round(20 minutes)

The HR round was there next day .The interview was taken by senior member from HR team He asked few questions based on project .Some Questions from HR round are stated below

  • Tell me about Yourelf?
  • Why Veritas?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • IF your manager is competative in nature what is your opinion about it
  • Brief discussuion on various aspects of projects and internships
  • What technolgies are you comfortable with ?
  • Benefit of previous internships while working with Veritas

The HR round was pretty much typical .Whole focus was on checking soft skills and Thought process. Same day after HR round they announced the results  .14 out of 20 were selected and I was one of them.(They chose few candidates with full time job + internship and provided internships to rest which will be converted based on performance).

Veritas Interview Experience (On-Campus)

Veritas visited our capus  on 5th Aug 2020 (Considering COVID situation whole interview process was virtual using WEBEX platform). For those who dont know veritas,It is a product based company which provides enterprise storage solutions to almost all fortune 500 companies. There main domains are storages and operating systems. The interview process can be rated as moderate based on difficulty. The interview consisted of total 4 rounds.

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