Mathematical Representation of a Proportional Controller

Proportional controller produces output which is proportional to the error signal(E). So at a time ‘t’ the equation can be written as ,

U(t) ∝ E(t)

U(t) = Kp . E(t) ———–(i)

Taking Laplace in both side of equation no (i),

U(s) = Kp . E(s)

Farther this equation can be written as,

Kp = U(s) / E(s)

Therefore U(s) is the Laplace transform of controller output U(t), E(s) is the Laplace transform of error signal E(t) and Kp is the gain factor or proportional gain.

Proportional Controller in Control System

Controller is a combination of hardware device and software program in control system that manages the flow of data from one entity to another and generates required output . Their are several techniques or algorithms that uses in automation system to control a system. One of the type that is used in PID controller is Proportional controller or P-only controller. This is the simplest closed loop feedback control.

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Proportional controller or commonly known as P-only controller is straight forward and simplest control strategy to implement. Although it works on closed loop feedback control system. It offers quick and state error signal response with it’s limitations, like problem in tuning, it need to tune manually, which is a bit difficult. It cannot perfectly eliminate steady state error or gain factor, so their is always a small residual error that remains even when the system stabilizes. Despite all this pros and cons, P-only controller is an essential tool in control engineering and provides a basis for further refinement and optimization through more complex control strategies....

FAQs on Proportional controller

1. What is P-only controller ?...