max() Function With iterable In Python

When an iterable is passed to the max() function it returns the largest item of the iterable. 

Syntax : max(iterable, *iterables[, key, default]) 
Parameters : 

  • iterable : iterable object like list or string.
  • *iterables : multiple iterables
  • key : function where comparison of iterable is performed based on its return value
  • default : value if the iterable is empty

Returns : The maximum value. 

Example 1: Finding the Lexicographically Maximum Character in a String

This code defines a string “w3wiki” and then uses the max() function to find and print the character with the highest Unicode value within the string, which is ‘s’.


string = "w3wiki"
max_val = max(string)



Example 2: Finding the Lexicographically Maximum String in a String List

This code creates a list of strings, “string_list,” containing [“Geeks”, “for”, “Geeks”]. It then uses the max() function to find and print the maximum string based on lexicographic order


string_list = ["Geeks", "for", "Geeks"]
max_val = max(string_list)



Example 3: Finding the Longest String in a String List

In this code, there is a list of strings, “string_list,” containing [“Geeks”, “for”, “Geek”]. It utilizes the max() function with the key=len argument, which compares the strings based on their lengths.


string_list = ["Geeks", "for", "Geek"]
max_val = max(string_list, key=len)



Example 4: If the Iterable is Empty, the Default Value will be Displayed

This code initializes an empty dictionary, “dictionary,” and then uses the max() function with the default argument set to a default value, which is the dictionary {1: "Geek"}.


dictionary = {}
max_val = max(dictionary,
            default={1: "Geek"})


{1: 'Geek'}

Python – max() function

Python max() function returns the largest item in an iterable or the largest of two or more arguments.

It has two forms.

  • max() function with objects
  • max() function with iterable

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