Meaning of “Lose”

The word “lose” is used to express failure. It also refers to being deprived of something or misplacing something.

Usage of “lose”

The word “lose” can be used as a verb. It is used to refer to being deprived of something or failing to win.

  • We didn’t expect that they would lose the match. Here, “lose” is used to refer to failing to win, i.e., they failed to win the match.
  • Did I lose my car keys again? Here, “lose” is used to refer to misplacing something.


  • Esther’s team may lose this deal too.
  • You may lose the competition if you don’t practice well.
  • She has been trying to lose weight for the past five months.
  • Keep these keys with you, or else I might lose them somewhere because of carelessness.

Difference between Loose and Lose

Loose and Lose: Have you ever gotten confused while using the words “loose” and “lose?” Though their pronunciations are a little similar, their meanings are completely different. Most often we use them interchangeably as the difference in their spellings is minimal, i.e., is one letter “o.” The word “lose” is used only as a verb, whereas “loose” is used as an adjective, an adverb, a verb, and noun. In this article, we learn about the difference between “loose” and “lose.”

Loose vs Lose

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Meaning of “Lose”

The word “lose” is used to express failure. It also refers to being deprived of something or misplacing something....

Difference between Loose and Lose



In this article, we have discussed the differences between “loose” and “lose,” as well as their meaning and usage, with examples. Both of them aren’t synonymous, have entirely different meanings, and can’t be used interchangeably. Remember that the word “loose” ends with an “s” sound, while the word “lose” ends with an “z” sound....