Message Passing synchronization

It involves implementing a protocol to ensure that messages are delivered in the correct order and that all nodes receive the same message.

The method of Message passing  synchronization includes:

  • Communicating sequential process
  • Remote procedure call
  • Ada Rendezvous

Communication sequential process

  • An input/output approach
  • First language(CSP) to solve synchronization problems in distributed systems.
  • Sender process P can issue an output command to the receiver process with a corresponding input command.

Remote Procedure call (RPC)

  • Data can be passed between the caller and called procedure.
  • The caller is blocked until the called procedure is completed.
  • Procedure call and Asymmetrical communication approach.

Ada Rendezvous

  • Procedure call and symmetrical communication approach.
  • A non-deterministic language construct for the concurrent process.

Language Synchronization Mechanism in Distributed Systems

Distributed Systems refers to a network of interconnected computers or entities that work together as a unified system, despite being physically or geographically dispersed or we can say that It is a group of computers that work together to perform a common task, even though they are physically separated and may be located in different places. The computers communicate with each other and share resources such as data and processing power to achieve their common goal.

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