Brute Force

Approach: To solve the problem follow the below idea:

The idea is to Sort the Linked list using any sorting method and then traverse the list up to N

Follow the steps to solve the problem:

  • Sort the given list using bubble sort.
  • Traverse the list up to N values
  • Print the values.

Below is the implementation for the above approach:


// C++ program to sort Linked List
// using Bubble Sort by swapping nodes
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Structure for a node
struct Node {
    int data;
    struct Node* next;
} Node;
// Function to swap the nodes
struct Node* swap(struct Node* ptr1, struct Node* ptr2)
    struct Node* tmp = ptr2->next;
    ptr2->next = ptr1;
    ptr1->next = tmp;
    return ptr2;
// Function to sort the list
int bubbleSort(struct Node** head, int count)
    struct Node** h;
    int i, j, swapped;
    for (i = 0; i <= count; i++) {
        h = head;
        swapped = 0;
        for (j = 0; j < count - i - 1; j++) {
            struct Node* p1 = *h;
            struct Node* p2 = p1->next;
            if (p1->data < p2->data) {
                // Update the link after swapping
                *h = swap(p1, p2);
                swapped = 1;
            h = &(*h)->next;
        // Break if the loop ended without
        // any swap
        if (swapped == 0)
// Function to print the list
void printNLargestInList(struct Node* n, int N)
    for (int i = 0; i <= N - 1 && n != NULL; i++) {
        cout << n->data << " ";
        n = n->next;
    cout << endl;
// Function to insert a struct Node
// at the beginning of a linked list
void insertAtTheBegin(struct Node** start_ref, int data)
    struct Node* ptr1
        = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
    ptr1->data = data;
    ptr1->next = *start_ref;
    *start_ref = ptr1;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int arr[] = { 4, 5, 1, 2, 9 }, N = 2;
    int list_size, i;
    // Start with empty linked list */
    struct Node* start = NULL;
    list_size = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    // Create linked list from the array arr[]
    for (i = list_size - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        insertAtTheBegin(&start, arr[i]);
    // sort the linked list
    bubbleSort(&start, list_size);
    // Print largest N elements of the list
    printNLargestInList(start, N);
    return 0;


public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a new linked list
        LinkedList linkedList = new LinkedList();
        // Define an array of integers
        int[] arr = { 4, 5, 1, 2, 9 };
        // Specify the value of N for printing N largest elements
        int N = 2;
        // Insert elements from the array into the linked list at the beginning
        for (int num : arr) {
        // Print the N largest elements in the linked list
// Node class represents a node in the linked list
class Node {
    public int data; // Data of the node
    public Node next; // Reference to the next node in the list
    // Constructor to initialize a node with given data
    public Node(int data) { = data; = null;
// LinkedList class represents a linked list
class LinkedList {
    private Node head; // Reference to the first node in the list
    // Constructor to initialize an empty linked list
    public LinkedList() {
        head = null;
    // Function to insert a Node at the beginning of the linked list
    public void insertAtBegin(int data) {
        // Create a new node with the given data
        Node newNode = new Node(data);
        // Set the next of the new node to the current head = head;
        // Update the head to be the new node
        head = newNode;
    // Function to print the N largest elements in the linked list
    public void printNLargest(int N) {
        // Sort the linked list in descending order using Bubble Sort
        // Initialize a pointer to the head of the list
        Node current = head;
        // Print the first N elements in the list
        for (int i = 0; i < N && current != null; i++) {
            System.out.print( + " ");
            current =;
    // Function to sort the linked list using Bubble Sort
    private void bubbleSort() {
        // Check if the list is empty or has only one element
        if (head == null || == null)
        boolean swapped;
        // Perform Bubble Sort
        do {
            Node prev = null;
            Node current = head;
            swapped = false;
            while ( != null) {
                // Compare adjacent nodes and swap if needed
                if ( < {
                    Node temp =;
           = current;
                    if (prev == null)
                        head = temp;
               = temp;
                    prev = temp;
                    swapped = true;
                } else {
                    prev = current;
                    current =;
        } while (swapped);


# Structure for a node
class Node:
    def __init__(self, data): = data = None
# Function to swap the nodes
def swap(ptr1, ptr2):
    tmp = = ptr1 = tmp
    return ptr2
# Function to sort the list in ascending order (smallest to largest)
def bubbleSort(head, count):
    h = None
    i, j, swapped = 0, 0, 0
    for i in range(count + 1):
        h = head
        swapped = 0
        for j in range(count - i - 1):
            p1 = h
            p2 =
            # Check if p2 is None (end of the list)
            if p2 is None:
            if >  # Modified to sort in ascending order
                # Update the link after swapping
                h = swap(p1, p2)
                swapped = 1
            h =
        # Break if the loop ended without any swap
        if swapped == 0:
# Function to print the list
def printNLargestInList(n, N):
    result = []
    while n is not None:
        n =
    # Sort the result list in ascending order
    # Print the largest N elements of the list
    for i in range(-1, -N - 1, -1):
        if i >= -len(result):
            print(result[i], end=" ")
# Function to insert a Node
# at the beginning of a linked list
def insertAtTheBegin(start_ref, data):
    ptr1 = Node(data) = start_ref[0]
    start_ref[0] = ptr1
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    arr = [4, 5, 1, 2, 9]
    N = 2
    list_size = len(arr)
    # Start with an empty linked list
    start = [None]
    # Create linked list from the array arr[]
    for i in range(list_size - 1, -1, -1):
        insertAtTheBegin(start, arr[i])
    # Sort the linked list in ascending order (smallest to largest)
    bubbleSort(start[0], list_size)
    # Print largest N elements of the list in ascending order
    printNLargestInList(start[0], N)


using System;
class Node
    public int data;
    public Node next;
    public Node(int data)
    { = data; = null;
class LinkedList
    private Node head;
    public LinkedList()
        head = null;
    // Function to insert a Node at the beginning of the linked list
    public void InsertAtBegin(int data)
        Node newNode = new Node(data); = head;
        head = newNode;
    // Function to print the N largest elements in the linked list
    public void PrintNLargest(int N)
        Node current = head;
        for (int i = 0; i < N && current != null; i++)
            Console.Write( + " ");
            current =;
    // Function to sort the linked list using Bubble Sort
    private void BubbleSort()
        if (head == null || == null)
        bool swapped;
            Node prev = null;
            Node current = head;
            swapped = false;
            while ( != null)
                if ( <
                    Node temp =;
           = current;
                    if (prev == null)
                        head = temp;
               = temp;
                    prev = temp;
                    swapped = true;
                    prev = current;
                    current =;
        } while (swapped);
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        LinkedList linkedList = new LinkedList();
        int[] arr = { 4, 5, 1, 2, 9 };
        int N = 2;
        foreach (int num in arr)


// Structure for a node
class Node {
    constructor(data) { = data; = null;
// Function to swap the nodes
function swap(ptr1, ptr2) {
    let tmp =; = ptr1; = tmp;
    return ptr2;
// Function to sort the list in ascending order (smallest to largest)
function bubbleSort(head, count) {
    let h = null;
    let i, j, swapped;
    for (i = 0; i <= count; i++) {
        h = head;
        swapped = 0;
        for (j = 0; j < count - i - 1; j++) {
            let p1 = h;
            let p2 =;
            // Check if p2 is null (end of the list)
            if (p2 === null) {
            if ( > {  // Modified to sort in ascending order
                // Update the link after swapping
                h = swap(p1, p2);
                swapped = 1;
            h =;
        // Break if the loop ended without any swap
        if (swapped === 0) {
// Function to print the list
function printNLargestInList(n, N) {
    let result = [];
    while (n !== null) {
        n =;
    // Sort the result array in ascending order
    result.sort((a, b) => a - b);
    // Print the largest N elements of the list
    for (let i = result.length - 1; i >= Math.max(result.length - N, 0); i--) {
// Function to insert a Node at the beginning of a linked list
function insertAtTheBegin(start_ref, data) {
    let ptr1 = new Node(data); = start_ref[0];
    start_ref[0] = ptr1;
// Driver Code
let arr = [4, 5, 1, 2, 9];
let N = 2;
let list_size = arr.length;
// Start with an empty linked list
let start = [null];
// Create linked list from the array arr[]
for (let i = list_size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    insertAtTheBegin(start, arr[i]);
// Sort the linked list in ascending order (smallest to largest)
bubbleSort(start[0], list_size);
// Print largest N elements of the list in ascending order
printNLargestInList(start[0], N);


9 5 

Time complexity: O(N2)
Auxiliary space: O(1)

find N largest elements from a Linked list

Given a Linked list of integers, the task is to find N largest elements in the Linked List.


Input: [4, 5, 1, 2, 9], N = 2
Output: [9, 5]

Input: [81, 52, 45, 10, 3, 2, 96], N = 3
Output: [ 96, 81, 52]

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