Method 2 Editing the /etc/default/keyboard File

Step 1: Open the terminal

Launch the terminal in Kali Linux. The terminal symbol can usually be found in the application menu choice or by a shortcut key combination like `Ctrl + Alt + T`.

Step 2: Access Root Privileges:

To edit system configuration files such as /etc/default/keyboard, you will need to use an administrator account.

Type the following command and press Enter:

sudo nano /etc/default/keyboard

Step 3 : Locate the XKBLAYOUT Line:

Search the file for a line that starts with XKBLAYOUT=. The keyboard layout that is in use is described in this line. As an illustration, it could resemble this:


Once the required adjustments have been made, save the file by hitting Ctrl + O (to write out) and then Enter. Next, use Ctrl + X to close Nano.

How to change the keyboard layout using Kali Linux Terminal

In Kali Linux, altering the keyboard layout can be quite important, particularly when utilizing various languages or layouts. Thankfully, the terminal makes it simple to swap between keyboard layouts. You will be guided step-by-step through the process by this guide.

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Using the terminal, changing the keyboard layout in Kali Linux is an easy task that can be completed fast with a few short commands. You can quickly switch between keyboard layouts to accommodate your tastes or linguistic needs by following the instructions provided in this article.To be sure the modification was implemented correctly, don’t forget to check the new keyboard layout after making the adjustment. Try looking through the FAQs or asking the Kali Linux community for help if you run into any problems....