How to use conda to Install Numpy on Linux In Python

Follow the below steps to install Numpy on Linux using conda:

  • Open a new terminal window and enter the command given below
$ conda activate base

  • Now type the following command to install  Numpy
$ conda install numpy

  • Press the enter key to continue the installation
  • After the installation is completed you can verify the installation using the following command
$ pip show numpy

You can install other libraries through Anaconda using the same process.

Congratulations, at this point you have completed the installation process successfully.

Different Ways of Installing Python’s Numpy on Linux

Numpy is a python library that is very popular in the field of data science because it makes the task of data processing very efficient, unlike conventional arrays. If you want to learn more about Numpy, please refer to this article.

Before we start with the installation steps, we have to make sure that your system has python installed.

Type the following command in the terminal   (To open the terminal, press Ctrl + Alt + T)

$ python --version

If the output of the command is a valid python version, then you have python installed in your system.

Example Output:

Python 3.8.10

But if you don’t have Python installed in your system, there’s nothing to worry about. You can install Python using the following commands.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python3

Now that you have successfully installed python in your system, we can start installing Numpy

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