How to use filter Method In Javascript

  • Declare an array called “numbers” containing a set of integers.
  • Use the filter() method on the “numbers” array, passing in a callback function as the argument.
  • The callback function should take in the current element as a parameter and use the modulus operator (element%2==0) to check if it is even.
  • Return true for even numbers and false for odd numbers in the callback function.
  • Assign the returned result of the filter method to a variable, let’s say ‘evenNumbers’.
  • After the filter method, use console.log() to display the message “Even numbers in an array are: [evenNumbers]” where [evenNumbers] is the array of even numbers returned from the filter method.

The filter method returns a new array with all elements that pass the test implemented by the callback function.

Example: In this example, we are Using filter Method


// Initializing numbers array
let numbers = [86, 41, 55, 85, 90, 24];
let evenNumbers = numbers.filter(function(element) {
      return element % 2 === 0;
// Printing output
console.log(`Even numbers in an array are: ${evenNumbers}`);


Even numbers in an array are: 86,90,24

JavaScript program to print even numbers in an array

Given an array of numbers and the task is to write a JavaScript program to print all even numbers in that array.

We will use the following methods to find even numbers in an array:

Table of Content

  • Using for Loop
  • Using while Loop
  • Using forEach Loop
  • Using filter Method
  • Using for…of Loop


Input:    numbers_array1= [4, 76, 89, 61, 72, 64]
Output: [4,76,72,64]
Input:   numbers_array2= [15, 60, 90, 14, 7, 45]
Output: [60,90,14]

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