How to use the Command Line In Python

Another method is leveraging the command line. With Python installed, you can execute a command to query the version of installed packages, including Selenium.

pip show selenium


Executing this command in the terminal or command prompt displays detailed information about the Selenium package, including its version.

How to Check Selenium Python Version

Selenium, a popular automation tool, simplifies web browser automation tasks in Python. However, ensuring you have the correct version installed is crucial for compatibility and accessing the latest features. This article explores various methods to check the Selenium version in Python, empowering users to manage their Selenium environments effectively.

Table of Content

  • Method 1: Utilizing Package Attributes
  • Method 2: Using the Command Line
  • Method 3: Examining Package Metadata
  • Method 4: Checking Installed Packages
  • Tools and Utilities for Version Verification
  • Compatibility and Updates
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Checking Selenium Version in Python

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Method 1: Utilizing Package Attributes

Python packages often include attributes that store version information. Selenium is no exception. You can access its version using its __version__ attribute....

Method 2: Using the Command Line

Another method is leveraging the command line. With Python installed, you can execute a command to query the version of installed packages, including Selenium....

Method 3: Examining Package Metadata

Every Python package typically contains metadata, such as its version, stored within its distribution files. You can extract this information programmatically....

Method 4: Checking Installed Packages

Python environments may host multiple packages, and verifying the installed Selenium version amidst others can be useful. The pip package manager enables this by listing all installed packages and their versions....

Tools and Utilities for Version Verification

Virtual Environments: Utilize virtual environments to manage dependencies and isolate Selenium versions for different projects.Dependency Checkers: Tools like pipenv or conda provide dependency management features and version control....

Compatibility and Updates

Ensure compatibility with your web browser versions by referring to Selenium’s documentation or release notes. Regularly update Selenium using pip install –upgrade selenium to access the latest features and bug fixes....


Checking the Selenium version in Python is essential for ensuring compatibility and staying updated with the latest features and bug fixes. By utilizing any of the aforementioned methods, users can effortlessly ascertain the Selenium version in their Python environment, enabling seamless automation tasks and smoother development experiences. Whether through package attributes, command-line queries, examining package metadata, or listing installed packages, staying informed about the Selenium version empowers users to make informed decisions about their automation workflows....

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Checking Selenium Version in Python

1. Why is it important to check the Selenium version in Python?...